15. [Collusive Executioner]

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[Song Above: Psycho by Puddle Of Mudd]

When Clef got back to his apartment, all hell broke loose. He'd been pushing his dark thoughts back and back, down and down. He didn't want to mess up, he wanted to have fun with his friend. He'd just admitted to himself that he maybe, just maybe he might be in love with said friend.

Konny feels it too, the spark. There's something there. Jeez, two grown men acting like school kids with wild fantasies about their schoolyard crushes. This is... new to me... I've never truly been in love, sure I've been in relationships in the past. Shit, I even have a kid, but it's never felt real. Never felt right. This does. It feels as natural as breathing.

Everything had been going fine, his dark thoughts had subsided, but now he couldn't hold back anymore. He let them consume him, wrapping their eerie talons around him until he couldn't breathe.

He sat on the floor, slumped against his apartment door, staring blankly into the pitch black abyss that was his living quarters. He clutched feebly at his ears, a weak attempt to block out the whispers.

Wow, in love already? So soon? Thinking it could work? You really think so? You're insane, Alto. For thinking that. Do you ever think anyone will love you? You're fucking pathetic, no one cares about you.

Clef let out a cracked whisper, "Shut up..."

There's no one here to distract you, Alto. I'm not going anywhere. I'm staying. I will take over, even if it's the last thing I do. I'm gonna shred that witch. She's too powerful. Sure, you can argue that she doesn't know her own strength but she WILL. I can SEE this play out. There will come a day, a few years down the line, a traitor will arrive. The traitor will want to try and teach that kid things. That traitor has a powerful, powerful soul, I'd recommend killing her but I can see that won't work. If I had enough pity, I'd warn those library dwellers of someone who is not what she seems. You can't deny the future, there's thousands of paths but I can see only the strongest, the ones that have the most chance of playing out. You feel it too.

"Why am I thinking these things? Traitor? Future? What?"

I'm not just your thoughts, Alto. I AM YOU. I AM YOUR SHADOW, but not for long.

"What? What do you mean? What do you want? Why me?"

I am you. I'm your reflection, your deepest darkest side. Your lethal thoughts have grown so much over the years that they've manifested into one whole being. ME. I am the result of your own foolishness. It's your fault. It'll be your fault that all your friends die. One. By. One.


Yes. The promise? You remember it, don't you? Your dearest specifically said he wouldn't die, right? We all know what's bound to happen... When the story unravels, you'll reveal why the throne now stands void of any human being. I can see the timeline unfolding, I see your pitiful self weeping at the foot of a desolate throne.

"NO! DON'T KILL HIM, PLEASE! HE'S THE ONLY THING I'VE GOT! I... I have no one else... they're all either dead or locked away..."

Interesting... You're so keen on keeping this one man alive? What's so special about him? You do know why he looks so stressed when no one's looking, right? You do realize that he drowns himself in alcohol until he can't stay awake any longer? That man will die, it's only a matter of how and when. If you don't step up to the task, he'll do it himself.

"He wouldn't... Konny... No... That's why... God please... Konny don't off yourself... I don't know what I'd do if..."

You know what's neat? In a few years, you'll be telling this exact moment to two young lovers. They're very eager listeners, very cute, in fact, you already know one of them.


The king's son, the toy's defender, the heir, he who fights back the dark, call him what you will. You know exactly who I'm talking about.


Ding, ding, ding! Looks like we've got ourselves a winner! The two little lovers have a dark path ahead of them, but lucky for them, at the end awaits great love. It's almost enough to make me immensely pleased, not that I have emotion though.

"Huh? At the end? What's gonna happen to the poor kid? Tell me, now!" Clef snarled in defense at seemingly no one in particular.

Tsk, tsk, I can't tell you that. There's too many eyes... far too many. They do not need to know how that story plays out, not yet.


Never mind. I need you to cooperate with me, alright Alto?

Clef blinked a few times before giving into the ominous presence in his mind, "Fine."

Wonderful! I can already see that this is the start of a beautiful partnership! I have a plan, but! I need to have access to every part of your head so I can get the information to you clearly. I do NOT need a miscommunication.

"I don't know..."

Come on, Alto...


Excellent. This is gonna be thrilling! So this witch I've been pestering you insistently about... Her number designation is 239, aka The Witch Child. She can shift reality in the blink of an eye, as long as she can see the thing she's changing. We can't let that power go unchecked! This'll play out perfectly, we don't necessarily have to kill her but it would make this much, much easier. We can execute her as long as your little lover boy doesn't find out.

"I can't tell Konny?"

Not necessarily. The most I'll allow you is to tell the half truth, anything more and I'll kick you out of control. If I have to take control, I WILL KILL HIM WITHOUT HESITATION. I find him in particular to be a distraction, he takes your attention away too much, we won't get anything done.

Now, you do exactly as I say, when I say it, you obey. No matter what. You obey my every command no matter the consequences. You are tied to me. I will shackle you down at the slightest disobedience, do you understand?

"I... I dunno..."


He flinched, the voice was so loud, so much stronger than it had ever been. "Yes! Yes! I understand!"

Perfect. Pleasure doing business with you, Alto.

A single, small thought ran through his head, I'm doing this for you, Konny. To protect you.

Desolate Throne [ClefDraki]Where stories live. Discover now