2. [Rivals]

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[Song above: I Can't Decide by Scissor Sisters]

One morning many years prior...

Clef yanked his lab coat off the back of his chair. He pulled it on over his Hawaiian shirt. He adjusted his hat and flicked his hair out of his eyes.

Clef bit his lip as he tried to decide if he wanted to take his shotgun or ukulele. He chose his ukulele.

Clef walked down the halls, playing a few tunes, whistling happily.

He scared a few newbie researchers by grinning at them like a maniac.

This is fucked! I have to go meet some transfer, stupid stupid stupid! I bet they can't even handle working here! Not like me, of course! I'm the best researcher here! I should be O5 already! Stupid that the foundation is reluctant to make a former GOC member a member of the O5 council. What'd I do wrong? Kill a few anomalies? Kill your lover?

Clef froze in his steps, almost falling over. He shook his head. What's up with me? I don't feel bad about it, I'm just... a little guilty, 'tis all... What about getting 166 locked up in here, huh? He shook his head more violently than last time.

He kept walking, glaring at anyone who looked even the slightest bit concerned.

Clef made it to where he was supposed to meet the transfer. Heard that the transfer actually comes to this site quite frequently, but it's always, always when I'm out on a mission or visiting another site. Almost like the foundation is keeping us apart for some reason...

A hand slapped him on the back. A familiar voice matched it.

"Ready to meet the transfer, Clef?" Dr.Bright asked, his voice his usual fake-happy tone.

Clef glared at the ginger. There's always this weird feeling I have around Bright, something's off about him. Like there's some missing piece to his look. I think a necklace or even an amulet would fix that weird empty feeling.

"I guess? Wondering why the foundation keeps this researcher away from me."

"I think it's because the three of us combined isn't exactly the best of choices," Bright laughed quietly.

Bright waved and left the room, off to do who knows what.

A different door opens, the sound breaking the silence. Clef turned his head to the source.

A tall man entered, he literally looked like a bear. He wore dark clothes covered in a white lab coat that hung low off his shoulders, as if he didn't want it on himself in the first place. He wore a hat that covered dark brown almost black curly hair. A pair of glasses framed his dark green eyes. A well maintained beard adorned his face. Clef glanced in curiosity at the expensive looking camera that hung around his neck.

This man was... intimidating. I've never been intimidated by another person before, it's almost thrilling. Normally I'm the one intimidating people. Weird.

The man walked closer to Clef. He stopped a few feet away.

"Are you Dr.Clef?" His voice was gruff, but friendly enough.

Clef lifted his chin high, trying to gain height. Clef played an alto clef on his ukulele to signify he was in fact Dr.Clef.

"Yes. You must be the transfer. Dr....?" Clef spoke with his usual venomous voice.

"Kondraki. Dr.Kondraki." He held out a decently sized hand.

Clef shook his hand, trying his hardest to unnerve him with all three of his eyes. It only seemed to alight his gaze with interest at Clef's right blue eye, left green eye, and the amber eye at the center of his forehead.

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