8. [The Heir]

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[Song Above: Daddy Issues by The Neighborhood]

After the meeting and lunch, Clef followed Kondraki silently. Kondraki had offered to take him to 408's containment cell, a small thank you for trying to defend a butterfly from Mikell's outburst. The door slid open, they passed a sign on the wall reading SCP-408. Clef trailed after the tall man.

This cell was unlike any Clef had seen before. Instead of an observation room, it was a short hall. At the end of the hall was a screen door. When the door shut behind him, Clef was hit with a warm wave of air. Kondraki unlocked the screen door and swung it open, Clef following closely.

"Lock it behind you," His gruff voice ordered kindly. Clef spun around and flicked the latch, locked. The butterflies that were swarmed around both Kondraki and Clef, spread out and fluttered around the open space.

Clef looked around at the different bright plants. Mostly green, splashed with a wide variety of colors. The scent was a pungent, floral kind of sweet that stung Clef's nose. There was a skylight at the center of the ceiling, light raining down. There was a stand nearby, a bowl sitting at the top of it. The bowl was most likely filled with sugar water, for the butterflies to snack on.

Kondraki strode down the narrow walkway, going to a place in mind. Clef raced to catch up. Passing a wiry tree, the brush opened up. A desk was in the center of the clearing, completely out of place. Before he could ask about it, a teenager materialized out of the bushes.

The teenage boy had messy, dark brown hair and green eyes framed by freckled cheeks. Kondraki's son? Clef squinted at the teen, a wide grin splitting his face. Sharp teeth glinting in the sunlight. The teen froze, staring at the unfamiliar blonde.

"Draven, this is Alto Clef. Alto, this is my son, Draven." Kondraki introduced them and sat down at the desk.

Clef nodded at the boy, Draven only paced around and glared at him. So rude. That wasn't the only thing on the blonde's mind. Clef barely processed that his eyes had found their way to Kondraki's hands. No ring. Wait, why am I worried about that? Clef shook his head and walked over to the desk.

Kondraki was focused on opening a drawer in the desk. Clef glanced at Draven, who was watching his father with an unreadable expression. Dread? Sadness? Worry? Exhaustion?

The older brunette pulled out that expensive camera he had when they first met from the drawer. Draven crossed his arms over his chest, "You gonna blind him?"

Kondraki chuckled and shook his head, shoving the camera into his son's hands.

Kondraki stood up and stalked over to Alto. Kondraki stood a good foot away from the blonde. Draven held the camera up, finger hovering over the shutter button.

"Dad, you're halfway out of frame. You know each other, get closer."

Clef blinked a few times. I didn't tell them about my problem in photos. Oops. Kondraki got a lot closer, taking his son's words to heart. He wrapped an arm across Clef's shoulders in a friendly joking manner.

Clef tilted his hat down, trying to subtly get his face out of frame. Kondraki pinched the blonde's shoulder to tell him "Look up.".

Clef slowly titled his head back up, grinning nervously. The camera clicked. Kondraki slid his arm off of the blonde and bounced up to his son.

He took the camera and set it down on his desk. The brunette pulled out the memory card and announced, "I'm gonna go print that."

Once the bear of a man left, Draven scoffed at Clef. Clef raised an eyebrow.

"Look. I don't know who you are, dude. I do know that I don't trust you. Your vibes are weird."

Clef squinted, almost offended. Subtly, Clef flicked his bangs to the side, revealing his third eye. He winked at the teen with the middle amber orb.

Draven stared at Alto like he just saw a demon or something. Maybe he did? Be quiet.

Draven backed away, not quite fearful just uneasy. Oh? He's going to have an interesting future. Poor kid, almost feel bad for him and his significant other. Shut. Up. Now.

Then, Draven's phone rang. He yanked it free from his pocket, answering it. Clef watched a sad look cross the teen's face. "H-Hey."

Alto's eyes widened slightly, curious. "Who're you talking to?"

Draven glanced at the blonde with an annoyed look, "Shush," the teen hissed.

"No, he's printing a picture out, I was talking to his coworker or whatever."

Clef sighed and left Draven alone, walking over to the feeder. Clef watched the butterflies slurp happily. They're kinda cute.

Heavy footfalls sounded through the bushes. "Where'd he go?" Draven's voice called out.

Alto turned and blinked at the boy. "What?"

Draven looked relieved and slightly guilty. He doesn't trust you. Whatever.

"Tell me, are you using my father? If so, for what gain?"

Alto blinked, hiding his surprise, "Who knows? Doesn't everyone use someone for something at some point? What do you think I'd gain from him?"

Clef was surprised by the words that spilled out, he hadn't even tried to stop it. That wasn't him. My dark thoughts are getting too strong. I'll need to talk to Glass again.

Draven struggled for words, "I don't know, that's why I'm asking."

"What would I gain from him... Konny... Hmm... Money? Higher status? Maybe even a simple friendship is all I'm asking for? Who knows, maybe something more than a friendship?"

Draven sighed, rubbing his temples, "Will you take me seriously?"

"Who says I'm not taking you seriously?"

"I don't believe anything you say. You look like someone who lies to get by. I can't trust you."

When Clef actually said something with his own will, it was his parting words with the teen. "You say I can't be trusted? Maybe I just need someone to trust too..."

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