Chapter Thirty Four

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IT'S BEEN WEEKS SINCE she made the phone call. After that call she made herself not care that he never called her back. She made the call, now the ball was in his court, it was his turn to do something. She made herself believe she didn't have to make another call, she made herself believe that he was just mad at her, for not telling him about Sam.

She was fighting with herself, with everyone who just looked at her. She was on the edge. There was so many things she wanted to do differently in her life, but she couldn't. She hired someone to take care of the Lana's Bakery, because she wasn't able to bake. She took her son out of school a week ago, took him on vacations, trying to spent some quality time together.

Everyone in Reedville could feel something was wrong with her, but the look in her eyes made them back off. No one bothered her at all and that was something so rare Lana knew there was something wrong with the way she was behaving.

'A week away from here is exactly what I need to become my old self! I've been through hell and back after I found out I was pregnant with Sam, but I survived, I can survive this too.'

Lana told herself a little cheer-up speech she didn't really believe in.

Sam was in school at the moment and with the exception of the ranch help, she was alone in the house. Gabriel returned to New York so he could start his job, leaving her behind.

Even though she said she was OK with his leaving, even that she was happy he was making a life for himself outside Reedville, it still felt like betrayal to Lana.

'I'm a horrible sister, aren't I?' Lana said to Sam's teddy-bear before she put in on the 'take-to-the-trip' pile. "I left him when he needed me the most, and he forgave me, almost giving up a once in a lifetime opportunity to do the work he loves the most, because he didn't want to leave her alone with a child.'

Lana wanted to just kick something and scream, to run away and begin her entire life again. There was so many things she regretted, but there was only one night she wouldn't change for a world, even if it did bring her heartbreak and made her lie. The night Sam was conceived was a huge mistake she'd do again in a moment, because even though the night made her no better than a gold digger or even a prostitute, it was the night that gave her Sam nine months later. All the pain in the heartbreak in the world couldn't make her not want to be Sammy's mother.

'I've got to be strong, if not for me, for Sammy, because no matter how hard he wants, it looks like James forgot all about us.'

Lana felt conflicted on the inside.

'Why does it have to be so complicated? Why does he not call me back, after he claimed he was searching for me all these years?'

This was the question Lana wanted, no needed the answer to. Because the only explanation she came up with was that he didn't call her back, was because he found out he has a son and he wants nothing to do with him. And that option was just too depressing to be true.

"Mama, why are you packing my Bear?"

Small voice brought Lana back from the dangerously dark stream of thoughts, back into reality. Sam had arrived back from school, and she didn't even noticed. She was packing their things for more than five hours, and she wasn't even near to done. But that didn't matter now, she has to tell her son they are going on an adventure and hopefully he'll be happy about it.

"Hey there buddy! I didn't even noticed it was already time for you to come back from school!"

She lowered herself on Sam's level and kissed his head.

"Mama, why are you packing my Bear?"

He didn't drop the matter, and Lana took in a deep breath, pulled her son into her arms and gave him another kiss.

"Buddy..." She started and Sam was looking at her with his undivided attention. "Mommy needs some time off, so we're going on an adventure."

Sam didn't say anything, he just sat there in her lap, listening to her intently.

"We'll drive to New York to visit uncle Gabe."

Lana didn't know where those words came from. New York was the last place she wanted to visit. And Gabe worked for James...

'Oh my God! What a mess I created!' She screamed in her head. She knew that Sam would refuse to talk to her if she changes her mind. He was talking about uncle Gabe and him move to NYC non-stop, ever since it happened.

His excitement was a total opposite of how Lana was feeling, but she didn't have the heart not to pretended she wasn't excited about the trip.

"I'm going to New Yoooork" Sam climbed off her lap and started running though the house, screaming the good news from the top of his little lungs. Which were surprisingly strong. "I'm gonna see uncle Gabe!!!"

Lana swallowed the tears that somehow made it to her eyes at the thought of James and Sam being in the same city.

It was a done deal, there was nothing she could do, except for phoning her brother and finish packing, so they could leave Reedville in the early morning.

The talk she had with Gabe was exactly as she imagined it to be - her baby brother was at the same time excited and worried about her impromptu decision.

Lana remembered his words after the silence her announcement caused.

'Are you sure Lana? I mean I know you're sure and I bet Sammy is super excited about seeing me and Empire State Building, but I heard a rumour James is coming back in a week or two. And not that this is any of my business but some of my co-workers heard he was off celebrating the finalization of his divorce with some girls on a private island. Are you sure you want him to see you here. With Sammy?'

There were some valid points in Gabe's argument, but all Lana heard was James was expected to return to the office in a week. By then Lana will be safe back in Reedville, living the life she had before he came and ruined it.

But if she wanted to come from Texas to NYC, with a child as fast as possible, not to mention to return from NYC back home, she will have to get over her fear of flying and go with a plane.

Calling airplane company and reserving two tickets for a morning flight proved easier than she thought it will be. However downsizing the luggage to two suitcases proved to be nearly impossible. By the time she was done, she knew the first thing she'll do once she arrives to NYC was going shopping. Not only she was in a dire need of new wardrobe, she barely took any clothes for herself, as clothes for Sam were a priority.


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