Chapter Twenty Five

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LANA WASN'T SURE WHY SHE told James about Sam. Well technically she told sleeping James, but the words were spoken out loud in his presence. He just wasn't able to hear them.

Admitting something she was hiding for more than six years told Lana both - she was officially drunk, and she lost all common sense about anything and everything concerning James Cornell. Specially the man itself.

James stirred in his sleep, and Lana practically jumped away from the sofa he was sleeping on, on the off chance he was actually awake and was able to read her mind.

Luckily for Lana, he just turned around murmured something incoherent, and continued sleeping. She decided she pushed her luck with James enough for one day, she walked out of the living room, stopped at the door and turned off the light.

"Sweet dreams James."

No answer came from the inside of the room, not that she expected one. The only person who was in the room was a sleep.

"Hello Lana. Or Vivian?" Sarcastic voice came flowing towards Lana. Her brother Gabe and Mia were standing at the kitchen door. "Do you care to explain to me what happened? And don't even try to deny that man in my kitchen is the guy you ran away from in L.A. Or that he's Sammy's biological father."


Mia just shrugged her shoulders.

"What did you think I'll do? Not say a world? I'm drunk girl, there's no filter in these mouth when this body is drunk!"

There was something comical about drunk Mia, about the way her words suddenly got that southern drawl, like she just stepped out of 'Gone With the Wind' and Scarlett O'Hara was her best friend. And how she turned into a one big tell-it-all. Or the way she traced her 'rockin' bodey' when she talked about it.

Lana just couldn't be mad at her friend. She also couldn't be mad at her brother for wanting answers, because it was long overdue to tell him, and everyone else the truth. Including James.

'But this is something I'm going to do tomorrow. Because right now, the heart of the problem is a sleep, and so is his son.'

"So? Will you, Lana? I'm your brother, I think I deserve the truth. Because if you lie to me now, you can count on the fact I will be gone tomorrow..."

Those words not only brought Lana back to Earth, but also forced her to act immediately. The last thing she wanted was her secret breaking up the only family she had left.

"Don't worry G. I'll tell you everything, just not on the hallway. Let's step into the kitchen, and then we can talk."

"Fine. But if I don't like what you've got to say, I'm punching James in the face. And even if there's nothing to hate, I'm still punching the dude. He got you pregnant and left you alone to be a single mother."

"Now you're talking nonsense. Just shut up and go into the kitchen. I'll tell you everything once we both sit down and you give me a cup of sweet tea."

Gabe turned and walked back into the kitchen, eager to start the conversation Lana dreaded. But that was only part of the reason she stayed behind and walked to Mia.

"Hon, you're in no condition to drive. Just use to usual guest bedroom. You know where the things are."

"Yeah, yeah. Kicking me out of your cozy 'tell-it-all' with your brother... What kind of a friend are you?"

"The kind that wants her drunk friend to go to sleep so she can have a grown-up conversation with her brother."

"Whatever. I'm out of here!"

Mia walked up the stairs to the guest bedroom, she always uses when she stays over at the Reed Ranch. Lana watched her until she climbed all the stairs and almost reached the right doors. She turned and walked towards the kitchen.

'This will be one awkward conversation. Specially since he'll definitely demand details. Well, that is, until he hears them...'


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