Chapter Three

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THE HOTEL was amazing. Designed in a baroque manner in gold and deep red colors, with ornaments and handsome footman in uniforms.

"This feels like I'm in a fairytale." Lana thought to herself and followed the footman's instruction to the bar and restaurant that was located in the hotel.

The restaurant was packed full, and since Lana didn't have a reservation, or the money needed to pay for the dinner in this awfully expensive restaurant, she just sat down at the bar.

"It's the best I start to play my role." Lana murmured to herself as she climbed on one of the bar stools and gave the waiter a flirtatious smile.

"Martini, dry."

"Coming right up, madam."

There were few man in suits sitting at the bar and when Lana sat down and ordered her martini, their eyes started checking her out.

"It's miss." Lana lifted her hand to prove it. There was no engagement or wedding ring on it. "And thank you."

She took the glass and before she could take a sip of the drink a man in his late twenties or early thirties moved from across the bar to the seat on her right.

He was a good looking guy and the tailored suit and expensive Rolex on his wrist were subtly telling everyone about his wealth.

"Put the martini on my room." He said to the waiter before Lana could take the hundred bucks that were next to the iPhone Mr. McCain left for me in the car.

She turned towards the voice that just paid for her drink, planning on objecting but secretly being glad she doesn't need to spend the money just yet.  She knew she might have to wait some time to find James Cornell and get him to talk to her.

She opened her mouth to thank the guy when she suddenly recognize the face.

James Cornell.

"Holy guacamole!" came out of her mouth instead.

He gave her a confused look and a charming smile.

"Nope, nothing holy about me."

This made Lana smile.

"I know, it's just..." she tried to get out of the mess she created. "I wasn't planning on saying that out loud."

"As a matter of fact I was just trying to tell you I can pay for my own drink."

This time he laughed out loud.

"I'm not saying you can't, but I would like to point out that the easiest way to get a lady to talk to is to buy her a drink."

Lana nodded, knowing he was right. Offering someone to buy them a drink was one of the safest and the easiest way to get a woman to talk to. At least it was until the day-rape drugs became popular.

"But I knew by the way you walked in here that you're one of the independent ones. The type of girl that doesn't let anyone take care of them, because they are capable of taking care of themselves."

"I am the type? You got all that just from the five seconds we know each other?"

"I've noticed you he second you walked in the bar. Besides they say I'm a good judge of character."

He winked at Lana.

"What did I get myself into?" Lana quietly panicked to herself while trying to appear calm and cool.

"He's way hotter than on the pictures and he's interesting. How am I gonna get through this night?"

She asked herself for the millionth time. And the answer was still the same. Three million dollars.

"Is that so? How do you know I'm not a high end hooker looking for a potential client? Or a broke gold digger looking for a wealthy husband? And how can you be so sure I'm independent?"

"First, you're still arguing with me about the drink I paid for, so I know you like to take care of things on your own and don't accept help of any kind easily. Secondly, I know a gold digger when I see one and you are definitely not one."

He was counting on his fingers and when he came to three, Lana took a deep breath.

"What if he's too good at this? I'm not a hooker, but I am getting paid to spend the night with him."

"And thirdly, you're not wearing enough make up and no self respecting hooker would argue with potential client about buying her a drink."

Lana let out the breath she was holding in.

"Thank God for my pride." She silently said to herself. "That is an interesting hypothesis. And thanks for the drink."

Lana took another sip of her martini and turned away from her handsome target. All in all she did gather he likes to work for what he wants. And she was right.

"It's the truth. And you're welcome, miss?" James was fishing for Lana's name.


Lana decided to become Vivian for the night. After all it did seemed fitting to her to become the hooker Julia Roberts played in Pretty Woman. She was selling herself, even though there was no sex included and she'll end up rich when the night is over. And James Cornell did have a slight resemblance to Richard Gere.

"Hi Vivienne, I'm James." He took her hand and pressed a light kiss on it.

Lana shivered with excitement, which she tried to hide, but James's eyes caught the small shiver his lips caused. It caused him to chuckle.

"SHE IS gorgeous. And independent... Well, she's not a drop dead gorgeous in the usual sense of the word, but there's something about her that draws man to her."

"And her voice! It's the voice of the siren inviting me to jump into my death. And I'd do it. I know I told her I know she's not here to hook up, but the truth is, I don't really care, even if she is."

He was debating to himself, trying to figure out why this lady on his left and her red lips that were seductively sipping martini made him forget all about the though decision he made a week ago.

She smiled at him and James looked at her lips and forgot what he was thinking before and gave Vivienne his undivided attention.

"It's nice to meet you James."

"The pleasure is all mine."

For a while they continue their small talk when a beautiful blond hostess came to James's side.

"Excuse me, Mr. Cornell. Your table is ready."

She was exactly James's type of woman, but even though she did her best to get his attention, he didn't even look at her.

"Thank you. Could you please make it for two."

The hostess wasn't thrilled with the idea, but knowing it's her job to make Mr. Cornell happy, she just nodded and returned to the restaurant to prepare the table for two.

LANA WAS disappointed.

"He's leaving already. He has a date. Of course he has a date, he's James Cornell."

The dark thoughts made her zone out and she looked confused when James stood up and offered her a hand.

"You didn't hear what I just said, did you?" He smiled at her.

Lana nodded, too embarrassed to talk.

"I asked you if you'd like to have a dinner with me."

That made Lana's heart race with joy. She didn't have to leave just yet. He'll get to spend more time with James before he'll get rid of her.

"I wasn't planning on it, but why not?" She smiled and took his hand and they walked to the restaurant like they were a couple.

And for the night, Lana let herself dream, they were.

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