Chapter Eighteen

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"I FOUND HER! NEIL I FINALLY found her!" The excitement in James's voice was so evident it could be detected from across the world. "I met her here, in Reedville."

"Reedville? Where on Earth is this? I aced my high school geography and I had a class on college and I have never heard of such town."

"It's in the middle of nowhere, Texas."

"Well, that certainly explains why it I can't really hear you. Your cell reception must suck!"

"Sure thing Neil. Because when you are using Skype calls cell reception really helps with bad connection. This wondrous thing called 'the internet' has nothing to do with it."

After Vivian refused to accept his invitation and returned to the Lana's bakery, James knew there was nothing he could do at the moment to change things. So instead he started forming a great plan of how he will sweep Vivian off her feet and get a second chance with her. A plan that had been forming in his head for the past six years.


Six years ago, few days after James relocated from Los Angeles to New York City

"What do you mean you can't find her? She couldn't just disappear from the face of the Earth. It's not possible. It's not true. It CAN'T be true! I don't care what it takes, I have to find this girl!"

James smashed his brand new vase that few seconds ago gracefully sat on his new desk. Luckily it didn't had any flowers in it, or his new office would need to be redone. No one likes a water stain on their wall.

"I have to find her." His barely audible plea was what made the whole situation human. At least to his secretary, who seriously thought of quitting the moment she heard the glass breaking.

"Sir, can I help you with something?" Instead she decided she needed this job, and temperamental boss wasn't the biggest of her problems.

James snapped out of the blues he felt the moment he realized his mysterious Vivian disappeared into thin air. The only thing that he had of her, was the phone he found under the sofa. But it was of no use. There were no phone numbers saved in it. No in-going or out-going calls. No text messages. Over-all, nothing that could tell him where she went, or who she really was.

Somehow she even managed to avoid most of the security cameras in the hotel. And nobody of the hotel staff really saw her leave. Only camera in the hotel lobby caught a part of her face. This grainy image of her, was the only thing James had to go on.

Because he couldn't exactly file a missing persons report and send the whole L.A.P.D. force on a blind hunt after a woman he just met and didn't even know her last name. They wouldn't laugh at him, because he had enough money to pay their salaries until they all retire, but that wasn't the point. Sure he could organize a man hunt for her, but he wasn't really sure that was what he wanted.

A week ago he was the playboy, the rich boy who never got affected by a beautiful woman. He could get whichever he wanted, anytime he wanted. There was nothing he couldn't get, nothing his money couldn't buy. And now, here he was, pining over a woman he only spent one night with.

So much has changed in the past week. The press didn't know, but the day he met Vivian, his granny suffered from another heart-attack. She was lucky she made it. There was no guarantee how long she'll live. And she was, with the exception of Ian McCain, the only human being who gave a shit, about how he was doing. About how he was intentionally pushing people away, so he couldn't be hurt when they rejected him.

'Then why did I let Vivian in? Why her, and why not some other woman, who wouldn't run away the next morning?' These and similar thoughts were constantly present in James's head, since the moment he realized finding Vivian wouldn't be as easy as he thought it would be.

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