Chapter Four

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THE RESTAURANT HAD a romantic setting, with dim lights and soft life music playing in the background. The tables were strategically set the way each guarantied privacy to everyone in the restaurant. It was the ultimate place to seduce someone.

James knew that and this was the reason he didn't call off his reservation. This and the opportunity to spend another few hours in the company of this mysteriously interesting Vivian, he just met.

Despite his reputation as a rich bad boy, he never picked up a girl in a bar. He usually jut minded his own business when some blond gold digger recognized him as a perfect future husband. He didn't really mind, since they were all really good looking.

"What is so special about this one? I've never picked up a girl in a bar. And she didn't want me to buy her a drink."

James got lost in his thoughts and looked almost surprised when they reached their table.

"Fortune for your thoughts." Vivian brought him back to Earth.

"It's nothing really." He tried to shrug it off, but Vivian wasn't having it.

SHE WAS CURIOUS what got him thinking so hard he didn't seemed to hear a word she said while they were walking to the table. Especially now that she spoke to him and got to see a person behind the nice tailored suit and a Rolex. He was a nice attentive guy. Under any other circumstances she'd be all over him and maybe even fall for him.

"Oh, really? You looked miles away."

"Well, I was imagining this wonder woman I just met. And I was thinking how beautiful she is and how wonderful it would be to kiss her."

Lana faked being angry and disappointed and playingly shrugged off his arm that was holding her.

"Who is she? And why are you thinking about some other poor women while taking another to a romantic dinner?"

James looked at her like she was crazy and when he was the mischievous spark in Lana's eyes, he decided that two can play this game. He took Lana's hand again and pulled her close.

Their bodies were touching and he lowered his lips so they were just inches away from Lana's. His breath caressed the sensitive skin of her lips and trembled inside.

"This is not good. I'm not supposed to do this." She fought with her demons trying to decide whether to push James away or to pull him even closer and kiss him.

She didn't need to make the decision, because the moment she finished the thought, he lowered his lips and kissed her.

The slow sensation kiss caused made Lana's insides tremble.

He broke the kiss and whispered. "Now I know."

The kiss made Lana's brain into a useless organ. She looked up at James with confused expression that caused him to chuckle.

"You know what?"
"I know what it's like to kiss you."

She was still confused in his arms.

"It was you Vivian. I was thinking about you."

That worked as a cold shower for Lana. The mention of Vivian brutally reminded her none of this was real. She was just playing the part and after tonight she'll never see James Cornell again.

She took a step away which instantly reminded her how much better it felt to be held in James's arms.

"Too soon?" He smiled and in gentlemany manner that suited him so well James helped Lana take a seat in the far corner of the restaurant, away from the prying eyes of other guests.

"Kind of." Lana let out a nervous laugh, feeling kind of ashamed of the feelings the kiss woke up in her.

"Then I apologize." James grinned at her with his bad boy smile that made Lana's heart tremble.

"But not for the kiss though. I'm not sorry I kissed you. I could never be sorry for it."

After that sentence Lana's heart went overboard and she blushed. Her entire face was red like a tomato.

SHE LOOKS CUTE when she's blushing, James thought to himself. It makes her even more like a real women and not like those superficial blond models everyone expect me to date.

He sensed Vivian was somewhat uncomfortable because of the kiss they just shared. It was the best tactic to change the topic, even though there was nothing he wanted more than to kiss her again. And also do so much more. Because there was only so much a man can do to resist a beautiful women like Vivian.

"So Vivian, what do you do?"

"Why do you ask? I thought this was gonna be a fun dinner?"

She twirled her hair around her fingers, a thing she did whenever she was uncomfortable. Even though James was genuinely interested in what Vivian did and as a matter of fact was genuinely interested about anything connected to Vivian. She had this cloud of mysteriousness around her and he wanted nothing more than to find out more about the real Vivian.

"It is gonna be fun. Being with is fun. You're the most interesting women I met in quite some time now."

She didn't looked impressed. In fact she looked more curious about what he was talking about to pick up the fact James was flirting with her. Which only made him want her more.

"Is that so? And, mind me asking, was this mysterious women that managed to charm you all this quite some time ago?"

"Hmmm..." He pretended to think hard about the question, when he knew exactly what the answer was.

"It was my twelve grade math teacher. A mean lady, that didn't give a crap about the fact my dad practically owned the school. She was the only female teacher that made me work for a good grade."

That made Vivian laugh. Her laughing was contagious and soon they were both laughing their asses off. The strategic position of their table made sure none of the other dinners would hear it, so their un-lady/gentleman behavior got a pass in this five star restaurant with a high end clientele.

"I can't believe it! You actually had to work to get a good grade in math?" Vivian said in mock horror. "Imagine if you would have to do this for all the subjects, like the rest of us, the humble peasants?"

Her imitation of what she thought was a terrified voice came out as a sarcasm so thick anyone would notice it.

"I know, who would imagine? Me, a billionaire had to work to get a good grade at twelve grade math. What had the world came to, that money can't buy you good grades?"

James imitated Vivian's fake horror voice and he did it perfectly. That made Vivian look at him like he was an alien or a great wonder of the world. It took her a few moments to get out of the shock James's amazing parrot skills caused.

"You sure you aren't a parrot?"

She asked, but before I got a chance to answer the waiter came to our table to collect our order.

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