Chapter Thirty - part one

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"I'm driving back to New York Neil. I need some time off, to process all the information I got. I feel like my head will explode from all the things I just found out. I leave you and Chris in charge. She knows how to run the office without me, you just take care if anyone doesn't feel like taking orders from my secretary. Or if anyone gets too noisy about where I am."

"No problem man. I always dreamed of being the enforcer for Chris. Because she really can't do anything by herself..." Sarcasm was evident in Neil's voice. "She's like this small porcelain doll, made from the finest china, and she needs someone to take care of her or she'll break at the smallest wind."

"You took these words right out of my mouth, man. This is exactly how I was going to describe Chris..."

Both man started laughing, imagining Chris, a woman who could make the tornado turn the other way, with sheer force of will, or stubbornness, like some would say, as a porcelain doll. Breakable, that is. She was the force of nature, even though her exterior might resemble one of the porcelain doll, she was someone one just didn't reckon with. Like they say: 'Poison comes in a small bottles.'

"Who was going to describe me how?"

"Hey there Chris, I had no idea  you were near..."

"Near Neil? He's in your office, sitting in your chair..."

"...with his feet on my desk?"

Even over the phone, James could hear Neil silently cursing as his feet roughly hit the ground.

"I can do it on my own Chris!"

"I know, but where's the fun in that?"

If James was there, in the office with the two of them, he would of high fived with Chris and they would take a break for the rest of the day, spending it in his office, forgetting about the cruel world of business surrounding them. Instead, he just opted for laughing like crazy, in unison with Chris.

"You two are crazy, you know that? It's like you have this crazy voodoo connection since the day you broke that vase."

"Whatever dude, just make sure to keep your feet off my table?"

"Yeah, yeah." Neil seemingly agreed, but then murmured to himself. "Like you'd know if I did..."

"I heard that!"

"Not to mention I witnessed it. This moment will be so fun to watch on the security cameras. I mean, your face when he said you have your feet on his table..."

Chris wasn't able to finish the sentence, because laughter got the better of her, and when James joined in, it was like he was in Manhattan, drinking whiskey after successfully closing a big business deal, not thousands of miles away.

Even over the laughter, something about sons and bitches and about their birth was being said in a vile manner, that only a man with bruised ego could use in such a way.

"Neil, it's all just good fun!"

It didn't matter James was thousands of miles away, he could see Neil walking out of the office, swearing them both, promising to himself that one of these days, he's going to quit this job. Or at least convince McCain he gives him the position of the CEO, so he could fire James and Chris.

"Yeah, man, don't stomp off like that, I wanted to talk to you about something before you finish with work for the day."

"Besides, you know, no matter how weird the connection between James and I gets you know I'll always do as you say in a dangerous situation."

Chris tried to cheer Neil up, and James was silently hoping it wouldn't work. Watching, or even just listening to the two of them arguing was better than any soap opera ever written. With the suspense, and sparks flying from both of them, pretending they don't like the other romantically, or admit they are physically attracted to one another. It was the funniest thing to watch. Or trying to bet when and who will break the curse of 'I-don't-really-like-you-because-I-want-to-remain-your-best-buddy' thing they had going on. And the fact Neil changed women more often than his bed sheets and that Chris only dated serious guys, ready to settle down and get married... It just made the whole thing even more fun.

Not to mention their relationship was not only the most talked about subject in the office, it also became a subject of a huge betting book. Every one, with the exception of Chris and Neil had a placed a bet on how the whole thing will be going down. Even James put a Benjamin Franklin on Neil seducing Chris one night and them firstly being super awkward to each other and later on become a couple and get married.

Some days it was hard to admit it, but most of the time; James was a romantic under his exterior. Either as a billionaire playboy or as a ice-cold businessman. Seeing the two of his best friends get married, was something he gladly put money on.

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