Chapter Seven (part two)

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Without breaking the kiss, they somehow managed to open the door and almost feel into the huge beautiful suite.

"This is bigger than my entire apartment, and that doesn't even include bedroom, bathroom, and God knows what else was behind the doors." The beautiful suite left her overwhelmed, and even through her sex induced haze, she sucked in every detail of this suite. "I might never see such a marvelous and clearly expensive suite again."

She didn't think about the three million dollars that would be waiting on her account the next morning. She didn't want to think about the fact that what she was about to do was technically prostitution and punishable in the court of law. She didn't want to think that she could go in jail for doing something that felt so right. So she didn't.

For one night, she let go of all of her inhibitions and just let herself feel, dream.

During the passionate kisses James cornered Lana against the wall. He was taller than her, even when she had her heels on. She locked her arms around her neck, lifting herself, so their mouth were on the same level.

James's hands travelled down her spine, until he cupped her butt. He stepped even closer, so that now Lana was trapped between the wall and the handsome James Cornell.

She wrapped her foot around his waist, and he gripped her butt harder, lifting her off the floor. She wrapped her other foot around his waist and held him tight.

They broke the passionate kiss, both gasping for air. James trialed light kisses down her neck, to the collar bone where he sucked hard.

"This will definitely leave a hicky." Lana was confused whether she was glad that James somehow showed he wants to mark her as his, or if she was mad because she'll have to spend ages before she'll be able to cover it tomorrow.

Still she moaned at the pleasure his kisses brought him, and her internal debate whether a hicky is a good thing or not was forgotten.

James continue to shower her with kisses, slowly traveling south, towards the place where Lana wanted his lips the most.

He tugged down her dress, trying to get the access to Lana's breasts, but the dress she wore was too tight and didn't want to budge. Lana wanted the dress to go away, so she could feel his kisses on the sensitive skin of her breasts, but didn't want to ruin her dress. But James had different idea.

He pulled hard near the seam and the dress fell apart, Lana's round behind the only thing preventing it from falling on the floor.

I liked this dress." She mumbled into James's hair, which caused him to chuckle as he lowered his head back down.

"I'm gonna buy you a new one."

At that moment he pulled down Lana's light pink balconette bra, exposing her white breasts. He traced the outline, lightly, like she's so fragile she could break any moment.

His eyes were burning her skin, making her even hotter for him. He looked her at her like she was the most precious thing on the world. It made her feel her special. She forgot all about the ruined dress, because he pressed his lips directly on her bright pink nipple.

She drew in a quick breath as feeling of ecstasy spread through her body.

His mouth were doing magic on her skin. They made her feel so alive, so ready, so good, and horny. She wanted him with her entire body. She needed to touch him, so she pulled down his shirt, scratching him in the process.


He moaned her name, when he felt her arms roaming around on her back. He took a deep breath, taking his arousal under control and returned back to his previous task, making Lana crazy with need for him.

Him calling out Vivian in the midst of their foreplay made Lana a bit queasy. She half-heartedly tried to pull back a bit, but at that moment, James sucked her nipple deep into his mouth and Lana was left speechless and motionless. The pleasure she received from his mouth had been more than she had ever felt in her life.

Suddenly it didn't matter that he thought she was Vivian, it didn't matter that she just sold herself for three million dollars. It didn't matter that she'll never see James again. They have this one night full of laughter, passion and sex.

With these thoughts she let go off all the inhibitions in the back of her head, that were hold her back. She pulled his head away from her breasts and devoured his lips, like she was stuck in the dessert and he was the last glass of water.

She rubbed into him, feeling his erection pressing into her. She could feel how hard he is for her.

Even though they were in a very uncomfortable position, with only wall preventing them from falling on the floor, they continued to eat each other out.

Without breaking the deep kiss James carried them to the table right next to the door. Holding her with one arm, he swept all the papers off it with the other hand and then gently lowered her on it.

Now that his hands were free, he pulled Lana's dress down her legs, with panties following it in matter of seconds.

Lana was now naked sitting on the table, while James only had his shirt opened a bit. While James returned back to worshiping Lana's body with his lips, she let her hands freely roam around on his body. In no time at all, she was already unintentionally rubbing James's erection while trying to take off his pants.

The top button turned out to be quite a challenge, and Lana didn't want to wait anymore, so instead she just opened his fly and rubbed him through his boxers.

The sensation was too much for James, but he still wanted more, so he took the matter in his own hands. It took a lot of strength and self control to pull away from Lana's luscious body, but he managed. And then he got rid of his clothing in a record time.

Now Lana got a good look at his beautiful naked body, with a huge erection pointing at her.

"He's so big. I've slept with other guys before, but not one was even close to James's more than just impressive hard on." Lana unconsciously licked her lips at the thought of her lips on him. Or of him being deeply buried into her.

"Protection?" He groaned at her and Lana was barely able to moan pills out. She was taking them for the cramps that got worse since she moved to LA.

It was like that was the last straw that broke James's self-control, as he let a deep groan slip out of his lips, and practically jumped back to Lana. He pulled her into a deep kiss and suddenly and plunged into her.

The feeling of his penis plunging into her pussy was the most exquisite kind of pleasure Lana had ever endured. His slow and long thrust drove her wild and consumed with passion she scratched his back again.

It didn't took long, and Lana could feel herself coming undone. She could feel her climax building, the pleasure so all consuming, she didn't realize she was moaning and screaming James's name.

"Harder James, harder!"

"Vivian, oh Vivian, you feel so good. Soooo goood..."

They weren't making any sense, moaning, gasping and screaming words of release into the suite. Their bodies glistened with sweat, shining in the reflection of the dim lighting.

Lana felt hot liquid in her pussy and as he reached his climax so did she, and they both screamed each-others names out.

Spent, Lana feel into James's hands. He carefully picked her up and carried her to the sofa, before the practically feel onto her from the exhaustion they both felt after the mind numbing sex they just had had.

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