Chapter Nineteen

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MIA WAS CONVICED LANA WILL be a party pooper tonight. After all she was hesitant to even agree. Or more accurate, she didn't really agree. She was trapped into saying yes.

"Lana, cheer up! It's not the end of the world to take an evening off and go out and have some fun with your best friend. It's not like you don't deserve it."

Lana offered a weak smile from the passenger seat.

"You know I don't like to be tricked into doing something like this. I like to plan ahead and know exactly what will be happening."

"Look I understand you have some issues with partying, but you need to get out of that godforsaken place every once in a while. It's not healthy for a single woman to live in a place where there's no eligible man under forty, except for her brother. I really don't want to hear about another woman marrying a fifty year old man, because there's no one else to get married to."

The last comment made Lana smile. She knew exactly who Mia was really talking about.

"Honey, having a twenty year old bimbo for a stepmother must really suck, ha?"

"You have no idea."

Anger was radiating from her, and it showed on her aggressive driving.

"You idiot, this driving you're doing not walking. Is there any way you could drive even slower."

Honking through the almost none existent traffic, she was on a highway to Dallas in no time.

"So, is she still taking your dad clubbing all time. And did she finally managed to get the colors of the living room right?"

"I swear, if she changes the colors to that room one more time, I'm moving away. Even life in Reedville must be better than staying with that skinny bitch!"

"That bad?"

Mia didn't even answer, but she did notice, that the talk about her stepmother was making Lana relax and smile.

"You know, it might suck, but at least it made you smile."

Smile spread on Lana's face. It was almost surreal, because Lana's smiles rarely reached her eyes. And when they did it was always when her family was surrounding her.

"It's nice to see I'm not the only one with an odd parents. I mean at least you know who your dad is. My mother just said mine was some rich guy, who didn't want kids."

Even though the words could be spoken with a range of emotions, like anger, saddens, longing. But Lana spoke them without any emotions at all. It was a fact. She never knew her father, and she probably never will. It's not like she can go to every millionaire in America and asks him if he had an affair with her mother. Specially because she had no idea where to start. Part of the reason she left for New York was also that her mother lived there before she got married and moved to Reedville. But aside from that, Lana knew absolutely nothing about both, her mother's life before Reedville and her father.

"Honey, as far as I'm concerned, I believe I pulled the short straw in the parents category. At least you had your grandmother. Mine is a power hungry master manipulator who wants to marry me to Texas most eligible bachelor. Like I would ever do that."

"Yeah, because this year's choice is horrible looking ass, who doesn't know where Florida is on a map."

Mia aggressively speed by sever cars on the highway before she answered the silent question in Lana's words.

"Fine, I admit. The guy is handsome. And he knows his books. And he can even tell where Slovenia is. Not that I can..."

"So someone was reading the article I sent to her." The self-satisfied smirk on Lana face, was definitely another rarity. She was never a person to rub salt into someone's open wound. She preferred to be a soft person, a real friend, if the constant cheerfulness didn't seem possible. "And are you sure Slovenia is a country, not the new McDonalds hamburger?"

"Of course I'm sure, I memorized the interview."


"No! I'm never even going on a date with someone who accepts such an artificial and just plain stupid title. And I'm certainly not marrying the guy. But I do admit he's hot."

Mia almost missed the exist for the city, so she cursed her way out of the highway. But when she drove into the Dallas traffic and calmed down a bit, Lana continued their conversation right where they left off. Talking about the mister most-eligible-bachelor-of-the-state-of-Texas. Well about his hotness, that is.

"So you have seen his picture than. Did you made a collage out of it, like you did it for every single movie star and boy band you liked? Are you sure you're not going to marry him?"
The playful taunting was working. Instead of screaming at the drivers on the road, Mia turned towards Lana and started talking.

"I told..." But before she could finish the memories cause her to start laughing so hard, she almost drove the car off the road. "It told you about my Brad Pitt album in private. But you're right, I should make an album for him. I'll call it: The man I'll NEVER marry. Maybe I could give it my gran for her next birthday. I bet she'd loved the gesture."

"And then she'd disowned you."

"Which would be so bad. I always wanted to get her fabulous collection of cashmere sweaters and tweeded skirts."

"You would look amazing in her green number. So sexy."

Still laughing, Mia drove into the gated community, where all the upper class in Dallas lived.


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