Chapter Forty One

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WHEN LANA SIMPLY WALKED INTO HIS OFFICE and behaved like she owns the place, James didn't even really register what was going on. Not until she mentioned she almost called him around the time he got married.

It was then when he realized how much different his life might be, if he wouldn't get drunk with Gina that one night. So naturally he cursed the entire situation, but before he could get into a full blown rant, Lana stopped him by lifting her hand.

'This woman has more power over me, than any person I have ever met, and we only spent together one night and then one day.'

James thought to himself, as he stayed silent, letting her know she can continue with her speech.

The longer she talked the harder it became for James to keep quiet. When he found out it was Ian who paid set them up, he felt upset. But when she told him about the money, he wanted to explode and throw her out the office, call her a wh*re and prostitute, because technically speaking she was paid to sleep with him, even though she tried really hard to make it clear it was her personal decision to do so, and that the contract clearly stated she wasn't getting paid for doing anything sexual.

Instead, he closed his feelings up inside, becoming the cold business man tabloids claimed he was. He showed no emotion whatsoever, once he got over the fact he got his memory back and that he has a six years old son.

When Lana was finished with her story, he remained quiet.

"So is there something you want to say?"

Lana couldn't stand the silence for more than a few seconds.

"There's not much to say."

Lana watched him like he had grown another head.

"Not much to say? I just told you Ian McCain paid me three million dollars to spend the night with you. I told you have a six years old son and all you have to say is: There's not much to say?"

It was clear to James she was about to explode, but he didn't really care. She wasn't the woman he fantasized about for all those years. No, he was right when he thought Vivian was just an illusion. He wasn't happy about the fact his suspicions were accurate, but he there was no way he was showing his disappointment to Lana - the woman was a walking and talking definition of a liar.

"You said what you wanted to say. But I want a paternity test done, and if he really is my son, then you will hear from my lawyers about how the things will go on from now on. And make no mistake, you will do as my lawyers say, or I will destroy you and your brother."

His cold attitude surprised Lana and caught her completely off guard. She remained sitting on the chair, looking at James in disbelief.

James got up and was just about to tell her she's free to leave his office any moment now, when he noticed Eveline in the game room, paying with a child.

'No she's playing with my child. My son.'

Even though James just told Lana he wanted a paternity test done, he knew what the results are going to be. The small boy looked exactly like James looked when he was six. Only when James was six, he didn't have any friends and he didn't talk.

But this child seemed happy to James. He was definitely happier than James was when he was a kid. So instead of kicking her out of his office, James decided to leave and let her be there if she wanted. He read and signed the contracts, and since Gabriel Reed was the cause of his confused thoughts, he didn't feel one little bit of guilt for telling Chris to tell him that their meeting is moved to next week.

He waved at Eveline and she waved him back. She said something he couldn't hear to Gabriel Reed and his nephew, before she picked up her coat and left the game room to meet with him.

"Are you done already? I thought you had a meeting with the man I just meet in the game room?"

She asked him while she tried to walk, talk and dress herself at the same time. James didn't want to talk about it here, where Lana could run out of his office any minute now and demanded to know who the woman next to him was.

"I moved the meeting, something came up, that I can't ignore."

"Really? You know, if you have to do something, I can just stay here and wait. Everyone is really nice."

"No can do honey." James shook his head. "The thing that came up..."

He purposely made a dramatic pause, and Eveline lightly hit him, when he didn't continue talking.


"It's me taking you sightseeing."

Even though Eveline seemed to be really excited about the sightseeing, James noticed she wasn't as interested as she was before.

Instead of sightseeing James and Eveline ended up in a small café in the Upper East Side, talking for hours.

James found himself telling her everything about the Vivian/Lana situation, and Eveline listened. She let him talk and with every word he said, he felt more and more free.

"You are a great person Eveline."

She just smiled at him and took another sip of her hot chocolate.

"I can already feel where this conversation is leading to, but let me just tell you, the feeling is mutual."

"I'm so glad you said that!" James couldn't believe his luck. This amazing person, who helped him get better after the car crash agreed with him. She knew, just like he did, that they were better together as friends, then as a couple. "I really didn't want to look over my shoulder each time, I went to visit you in Baton Rouge. There's a certain eighteen years old kick boxer whose girlfriend promised me he will kick my ass if I hurt you..."

They both laughed.

"Doctor LaSalle's daughter, right?"

James nodded and they continued to chat about their time together in Baton Rouge, not saying another word about Lana or anything Lana-related.

They ended up spending a good portion of the day in the cafe, not noticing how fast time passed by. When it started to get dark outside, James took Eveline back to his apartment, so she could take a shower and get ready for a dinner with Chris and Neil.

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