Chapter Forty Five

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If there was anything secrete to Mia, it was her freedom, Dallas re-runs and bringing joy to the world. Not necessarily in this order.

"You remember how I told you I need some time off, from Reedville?"

There was silence on the other side, and Lana could clearly imagine Mia nodding, and then slowly realizing that Lana couldn't see her nodding over the phone.



Saying those 'I'm in New York, and the first sight-seeing trip ended with me telling James the entire truth.' words was proving to be more difficult than Lana initially thought. Mia was her best friend and she told her everything, but she wasn't looking forward to hearing the 'I told you so.' Mia will definitely say.

"Come on, spit it out. I'm dying out of curiosity here!'


It felt so good to let those words out of her. But Lana said them so fast, Mia only understood I'm, then something, something, something, everything.

"Say it again, and slower this time. I didn't understand anything!

"I'm Newyorkanditoldjameseverything."

"I still have no idea what just came out of your mouth Lana."

She didn't have to say anything more, Lana knew Mia will disconnect the phone, unless she told her clearly.

"Fine. I'm in New York and I told James everything."

Gasp that Lana heard after Mia put the pieces together sent her in a fit of giggles.

"Oh no you don't, Lana Jones. You don't giggle at my gasp. You miss have to tell me everything. Because if you talked to the James I think, and tell him everything, everything, then there's a lot to tell."

"There's nothing to tell. I told him about everything, and now he knows."

"There's nothing to tell..." Mia repeated Lana's words, making them sound like a crazy person talk. "You do know I know you better than you know yourself? Even though it took you years to tell me your big secret? I know there's something to tell, and you wouldn't call if you didn't want to talk about it!"

"Fine. You're right."

It was hard to admit Mia was right. While Mia might be right, that didn't make it any less painful for Lana to admit that telling James everything at the drop of the hat, wasn't the best idea.

"When am I not?"

Those words lightened up the mood a bit.

"The thing is, I don't know why I told Sammy we're going to New York. I was planning on going to Seattle or something, far away from the place where I could run into a person who never called me back."

"Sure one could argue that I could call him again, but I already made my move. I told the secretary to tell him I called. It's not my fault she's incompetent."

Faint laughter came over the phone.

"Now that you've let this out of the way, tell me what's really bothering you?"

No one knew Lana like Mia did. Lana knew that, so usually she went and admitted Mia things she didn't even knew were bothering her. It was like Mia was Lana's personal therapist.

"It's just, I told James about everything because I didn't want to feel as guilty as I started to feel once he waltzed into Reedville. It's like his presence made me realize I made a mistake and I have to fix it. My subconscious made me tell Sammy we're going to New York City, because I knew there will be no way out. I knew that Sammy will be so excited about the trip I won't have the heart to tell him the trip is cancelled, because him mom is scared of running into his dad. Whom he met right here, in Reedville quite some time ago."

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