Chapter Thirty Nine

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A COLD SHIVER WENT THROUGH James's body when he was standing in the airport terminal, waiting for his luggage. It wasn't that Eveline didn't like flying, she actually liked it really much, but he had this weird feeling on his skin. Like there was something important going to happen. He just didn't know what.

By the time he got his and Eveline's luggage, he almost forgot about the feeling when he suddenly noticed what his subconscious was trying to tell him all along.

The boy he remembered from the time before the accident was right across from him, pulling a woman somewhere. He froze on in place, taken by surprise. His brain wanted to run towards the boy and ask him who he was, it didn't really register with him, he will probably scare the boy to death if he runs to him and starts demanding answers from him. But his body was in shock. His legs were heavier than if he would be wearing concrete shoes.

His sudden lack of movement didn't go by unnoticed. Eveline stopped as well and looked at him for a few moments as if trying to figure out what was going on by herself, before asking James why he was standing like a statue in the middle of an airport terminal.

"James is something wrong?"

She decided to ask him anyway, since she didn't see any good reason for his to stop and freeze. But it was like talking to the wall. Eveline got no response from him.

"Earth to James!"

She snapped her fingers right in front of his face, and then nudged him in the shoulder, trying to make him answer her.


He looked at her, like he saw her for the first time in his life. A confused expression dominated his face. He was looking at her, but it was like he didn't even see her.

"I asked her if everything is all right? You look like you saw a ghost."

"I did."

He mumbled back, more to himself than as an answer to Eveline's question.

This time it was her turn to look at James like he wasn't really there.

"You saw a ghost?"

She asked him in disbelief.

Her tone brought James back to Earth, and it was like he figured out what he just said to her, because the confused look on his face was quickly replaced by one of controlled panic.

"What I meant baby, is that I thought I saw someone, but I didn't."

James was telling the truth, because when he took another look at the terminal, the boy and the woman he was pulling around were nowhere to be seen.

"I must of imagined it. Probably because of the scotch I had on the plane."

It was one of the lamest excuses, because James was a man who could really hold his liquor, and it took a lot more than a glass of scotch for him to be drunk enough to imagine things.

"Oh... Well, maybe we should go to your apartment then. Maybe you should sleep it off. We can go to your office and sightseeing the first thing tomorrow."

She bought his story, but James didn't want this little thing to totally change their plans. He needed to get to the office. Some important papers had to be signed and he had to meet with Gabriel Reed before the young man decides he doesn't want to work for a man that doesn't show up for work for more than a month.

"No baby! I have to go to the office, but I will be quick about it, like I promised you. I said we will be sightseeing while we are here, and what time is better than now?"

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