Chapter Forty Three

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THE PATERNETY TEST CAME BACK TO James in two days time, and just like he knew, it confirmed what Lana has told him. Samuel James Reed is his son.

"I have a son."

It was a sentence that so many men and woman said before. It was nothing special, not something people gave a lot of meaning. A lot of people have children, and according to statistics, there are even slightly more boys born than girls, so 'I have a son.' really isn't that all that special sentence.

For James those simple words meant a world, even though they turned it upside down. For six years he was dreaming about being a father and now he became one. Well, technically speaking he was a father for this entire time, he just didn't know about it.

"Chris could you please come in here?"

James called Chris into his office, where the letter was delivered. He left Lana in his office the other day without telling her his home address, which is why he got the results delivered here. It was pure luck the envelope was delivered early and he didn't receive it right before a meeting. He wouldn't be able to concentrate on anything beside the fact he has a son.

"With the exception of my nine o'clock, please cancel my meetings. I have an emergency errand to run."

Though James was usually relaxed and friendly with his secretary, he wasn't the same since he returned to New York City. Since he remembered about his trip to Reedville. He remembered he told both, Chris and Neil about running into Vivian/Lana, but neither felt the need to tell him about it, when he asked what happened during his stay there. He felt betrayed and there were other, more important things he had to deal with, than getting over his newfound dislike for people he once counted as close friends.

After the diner they had the first evening back, James distanced himself from both of them, only interacting while at work. But he wasn't this way to just Chris and Neil, he generally became more distant, cold, only passionate about two things: work and his son.

The only person who he was not cold to, with the exception of little Samuel, was Eveline. She was the person who kept him sane, who talked him out of going directly to court to fight Lana for the sole custody of his son. She was the only reason Lana didn't need to hire a lawyer just yet.

"No problem James. Anything else I can do?"


It was James's idea to be called by his first name at work, but as of two days ago, he started to regret it.

"James, could we talk later?"

Chris asked him the same question every time he called her in the office.

'Now she wants to talk about Lana? Well, now I don't want to talk.'

James wanted to snarl at her. But he knew this was exactly what she wanted - to talk about anything else than work, so instead he answered like he didn't care.


He didn't even lift his head, but James knew his one word answer made Chris's happy expression disappeared in a moment. It made him feel a little guilty.

'She deserves a cold shower. She didn't tell me, so I'm not telling her.'

James justified his actions to himself, but he almost changed his mind, when he heard the disappointment in Chris's voice.

"Oh, all right then."

James lifted his face from the papers he was pretending to read once he heard the doors close behind Chris. He was busy, just not with the company stuff, he had to talk to his lawyers, and maybe Eveline, if he wanted to remain sane, about the results of the paternity test.

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