Chapter Ten

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THE SUITE WAS EMPTY, but for a sleeping James on a California king bed. Suddenly the phone started to ring. James shifted on the bed, clearly not ready to get up yet.

The ringing stopped and with a happy grunt he turned around on the bed. But the phone ringed again. The voice had finally managed to wake James up, and he, still only half awake answered the phone.


"Mister Cornell, mister Ian McCain is waiting for you in the lobby. Shall I send him up to your suite?"

The polite voice of one of the hotel employees did little to James's displeasure at being waken up so rudely. He was just about to snout some crude remark about what he wanted them to do with the person who was responsible for wakening him at this ungodly hour, when he realized three things.

One, it was eleven in the afternoon, in no way ungodly hour at all. Second, it wasn't just any person waiting for him in the lobby. It was Ian McCain. And he never waited in the lobby.

"Send him up."

He practically barked into the phone, then threw it across the bedroom. Because the third thing he realized was, he was alone in the suite. Utterly and completely alone. No femme fatal from last night. He looked around the bedroom, and except for rumpled sheets and a faint smell of a jasmine scented perfume, there was no indication any woman had been in here.

Even though everything James wanted right now, he knew Ian McCain couldn't wait. He had some pressing business with the man.

Forcing the memories of Vivian, laying on his bed, wearing only a smile, he dressed himself into a blue three-piece suit.

Shower will have to wait. Even though I did shower last night...

Vivian wanted to take a shower and because he couldn't keep his hands away, them make use of the huge bathroom with shower big enough to held a party in.

A light knock on the door interrupted the train of thoughts, and James hurried out the bedroom to the spacious living room area, where evidence of last night were still in full view.

Maybe it wasn't the best idea to invite McCain here. But what the heck, it's not like he doesn't know who I am!

"Come in."

The door opened and Ian McCain walked in the suite. He took one look around the place and a huge grin, totally inappropriate for a man his age and influence, covered his otherwise serious face.

"Busy night champ?"

"I've been taught from the best!"

They embraced each other in a manly hug. The affection between them was obvious and they didn't even tried to hide it.

"So, how's my favorite nephew doing? Why am I even asking?" The man took another look around the room. "I hope I didn't interrupt anything? There's no poor girl hiding in the shower like last time? She was petrified when I came in!"

James couldn't help himself, but to smile, as he remembered the incident. He didn't want the girl he was with, he didn't even remember her name anymore, to meet Ian, so he told her to hid in the shower and wait for him to come and get her. But he didn't anticipate for the old man to go to the bathroom and find her there.

"No, this one left before I even woke up, uncle Cain."

He tried his best not to show the regret he felt, but it was clear the old man heard it loud and clear.

"Was she pretty?"

"Not in a normal sense. I mean she wasn't L.A. type of pretty, you know. She was real and honest and I swear to god, she had this charisma about her, this confidence that drew in every man in the bar."

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