Chapter Fourteen

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MIA KEPT ON TALKING, but Lana wasn't really listening, because of all the images showing up in her head. They were unwanted, but all showed the same people — James and her.

James and her at dinner. In his suite. Dancing and eating chocolate covered strawberries. Doing another kind of dance in a California King Bed in the bedroom.

Memories. Those are just unwanted memories of the man I'll never see again. And even if I did, what would I say to him? 'Hello stranger? I'm not really Vivian. I was just offered three million dollars to spend a night with you.' Lana made a small laugh at the thought of how this conversation would go. The laugh confused Mia, who was still rambling about something. After all, what she was saying wasn't the least bit funny.

"Lana, sweetheart. Are you sure you're all right? You seem startled."

Once again Lana shook her head to deny, what was obviously the truth, when she became pale as a wall and stopped mid-movement.

"Lana? What's going on? I'm not buying you're all right anymore."

Mia was getting more and more worried, when Lana didn't even respond to her second question. She was just looking out the window, like she just saw a ghost.

Only the ghost wasn't really a ghost, but a man. Mia followed Lana's eyes and saw a man on the other side of the street, looking right back at them.

"He's one smoking hot guy Lana, but I still don't get it. Are you having a love-at-first-sight moment? Like in movies? With the romantic music in the background and a slow close-up of both of your faces?" Even when Lana didn't reply, Mia kept on talking. "Wouldn't be awesome, if this really was a love at first sight? I mean how cool that would be? And then you could finally get over that guy from six years ago. Who stays stuck up over a guy they had one night stand six years ago. And never tells her best friend what's this mysterious guy's name."

Suddenly, the man across the street, crossed the road and was quickly walking towards the unopened Lana's Bakery, where Lana and Mia were sitting.

The moment the man moved, Lana sat up straight, knocking the chair in the process and started murmuring to herself.

"S*it. What am I going to do? He'll find out who I really am. He's never supposed to come to this Godforsaken place in the middle of nowhere. I swear I'm going to kill whoever made him come all the way to Reedville."

"Lana you're scaring me now! What is going on? Why were you watching that man like you were hypnotized or something?" Mia was freaking out, but Lana just kept murmuring to herself. "Talk to me sweetie. Tell me what is going on. LANA!"

Mia's desperate scream broke Lana's funky mood and she looked Mia in the eyes.

"It's him."

Words that came out of Lana's mouth were so quiet, Mia wasn't sure what she said at first.

"It's who sweetie?"


Man who Lana called 'James' was rapidly walking towards the bakery.

"Who's James?"

There was no answer at first, because the man reached the bakery and pounded on the door, not caring it was clearly not open.

"James Cornell." She whispered to herself. "My James Cornell."

Lana straightened herself and subconsciously fixed her hair and make-up.

"Mia, can you please leave me alone for a minute, I'm just gonna step out for a moment, OK?"

Without waiting for an answer, she walked towards the doors, unlocked them and stepped out, smiling at the man. At James Cornell.

"Hi James."

The man let out a small sigh, one of huge relive.

"Vivian." He reached out and touched her cheek. "It's really you."


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