Chapter Forty Two

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AFTER JAMES LEFT HER IN HIS office without a second glance and left with some woman that was in the game room before, Lana finally put herself back together.

She was angry at James for demanding a paternity test, but since her story sounded like something from a movie or a book, she understood where he's coming from.

'But that doesn't mean I have to like it!'

She mumbled to herself, startling the secretary that just entered James's office.

"Excuse me miss."When secretary was sure she had Lana's attention she offered her hand. "I'm so sorry about his behavior. I understand you are Lana Jones? I'm Christina, James's secretary. We spoke on the phone a while ago."

'So this is the woman who never told James I called.'

Because Lana was raised as a Southern Belle, she put on one of her famous fake smiles and pretended she doesn't have a care on the world. Or that she actually wants to shake this secretary's hand. Which she did, and it even made it look like she was happy about it.

"Oh, it's nothing, just a little misunderstanding between James and I."

She didn't want to give any information to the person who didn't deliver all the messages to her boss.

"I know exactly what you were talking about miss Jones." Lana couldn't hid her surprise, even if she wanted to. "The child with Gabe in the playroom... It's his son, isn't he?"

Chris didn't beat around the bush, getting straight to the point.

"How did..."

"How did I know that?"

Lana just nodded. There was too much happening today, and she had no idea how to react if there was one more surprise waiting for her.

"Follow me. There's someone who will be able to explain the situation better than me."

She started walking, letting Lana decide if she wanted to follow her. Chris never checked if Lana was following her, just walking straight to one of the offices on the far end of the floor.

"This is Neil. He's a private investigator, and he was looking for you for the past six years. And his is Lana Jones, the woman you were looking for the past six years."

Chris made the introductions and sat down on a sofa in the corner of Neil's office.

"You were one though cookie to find miss Jones."

Neil smiled at her and shook her hand.

"It wasn't on purpose."

Lana felt she will got the some of the answers to why James reacted the way he did, when she told him the truth earlier.

"Either way, Chris and I think there are some things you should probably know before you judge James as a heartless bastard."

"I didn't thi..."

Lana never got a chance to finish her sentence, being interrupted by Neil.

"Don't defend him. He can be a heartless bastard, but there's a reason he is the way he is."

This time Lana just nodded. She wanted to know more about James, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity to find out more about him, without appearing nosy.

"I only know the men for six years, but the moment I met him, I knew there was something not quite right with him. It wasn't just his near obsession with finding you, it was something else. I never told this to anyone, but I did some digging on my own. Before you jump to wrong conclusions, I really think you should give him a chance to explain himself to you. There are things in James's past that only he can tell you about. Things that made him the man he is today."

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