Chapter Thirty Two

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A SMALL CHILD WAS PLAYING on the playground all by himself, away from other kids. It wasn't exactly clear if it was isolation by choice, or if other kids didn't want to play with him. Either way, the kid looked lonely, playing with the sand all by himself, building something that looked like a castle.

His nanny, was looking closely at him, tracing his every move. She wasn't talking to other nannies or mothers who brought their children to the same playground, or read a book like other nannies did. Just like the kid, she was isolated from others.

They were a strange couple, the nanny and the kid. Surrounded with people, but still alone. Doing exactly the same thing everyone else was doing, but still standing out. Specially the kid. There was something about it that told everyone who took a closer look at him, that this kid was going places.

"James! It's time to go home."

The nanny told the little kid. Unlike any other kid on the playground, he didn't say a world of disagreement, only picking up his fluffy lion and walking towards the nanny.

"Did you have fun James?"

Child didn't say anything, just nodded his head and took nanny's hand.

"We're going home James, and guess what?" Even though the nanny was talking with great enthusiasm, the kid looked at her with minimal interest displaying on his face, but still not saying a word. "Uncle Ian is coming to have a diner with your father tonight. Maybe he'll get you a present, like he did the last time?"

A big smile spread across child's face. It was clear he was glad uncle Ian was visiting. But he still didn't say a word.

All the way back home, nanny was talking, trying to make conversation, the little child was listening to her carefully, but he never, not once said a word.

The whole 'not talking' thing would be considered completely normal, if a child was little, and even then, there would be some sort of noises he'd be saying. They wouldn't make any sense, but he'd be talking to some extent. James was communicating with smiles and small hand gestures. He always did what the grown-ups told him to. All in all, he was a great child.

When James and his nanny came home, to a grand house, way too big for only one family to live in, especially if there was only father and son in that family, James let go of his nanny's hand and ran into his room.

"That poor kid..."

Nanny said to one of the maids, who was just rearranging flowers on the desk near the entrance of the house.

"Is he still quiet? He hadn't said a word to me since..."

"Since that night. Tragic, right? Such a beautiful young woman, and such a lovely child... Some people really are born under a cloak of darkness. I mean, there's no wonder the kid's not talking. I know I would have trouble talking if something like that happened to me."

Maid nodded to the nanny, and together they walked to the kitchen, talking about how lucky they are, even though they weren't born with a diamond spoon in their mouth.

Day passed by, and little James spend it, alone in his room, playing by himself, making people in the house forget he even exists. When the clock struck seven, the house bell rang, announcing the expecting visitor.

Little James grabbed his fluffy lion, a toy he took with him everywhere he went, and ran downstairs clearly excited about the visitor.

Ian McCain, or uncle Ian to the little kid was just taking his coat off, when James ran down the stairs, down the hallway, right into his hands.

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