Chapter Nine

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Champagne and chocolate covered strawberries were long gone, when Lana woke up. The room was messy, their clothes were scattered around the floor, and damp towels were carelessly thrown over the chair.

Deep down Lana felt guilty for sleeping with James, specially under these unnatural circumstances. At the moment the chemistry between them and the amazing feeling of being cherished won, and the guilt had been forgotten. Because who wouldn't hang out with a guy for three million dollars for one night?

I passed this milestone hour ago, when I agreed, no when I practically begged James to take me to his suite in make sweet, sweet love to me.

A look on the other side of the bed told Lana James was still fast asleep. It was time to leave, before thing get any messier.

She slowly lifted an Egyptian cotton blanket her body was tangled in, trying her best to leave unnoticed. Just as she was about to get up and leave the bed, James turned and murmured something in his sleep, then threw his arm around Lana and pulled her close. The moment she notice his arms moving, Lana stiffened. There's only so much you can do, before someone wakes up. And she tried to leave unnoticed twice before.

Third time's a charm. Maybe this time I might actually make it out of the bed before he wakes up, and realizes I left without saying goodbye.

But no matter how uncharacteristic it was for Lana to do something like she did tonight, she couldn't help herself. After all, she was just acting.

James stilled, and his breathing became even again. The weight of his arm was making Lana feel like she was in a prison, chained to the ceiling, not able to leave. Gently she covered his arm with hers, gently caressing it, to make James used to her touch. He stirred in his sleep and Lana's heart dropped.

I'll never be able to leave this bed. She thought to herself while silently praying she was wrong.

Luckily James didn't wake up, just tried to get closer to Lana's body.

It would be a perfect moment for Lana, if she hadn't known it was all a lie. He didn't know her real name. She was paid to spend the night with him. He would wake up in the morning, and go his separate way. So would she. He knew nothing about her. She knew too much about him already. There was no way they would survive in the real world.

Determent to leave this suite for real this time, Lana didn't bother to be gentle anymore. She just lifted his arm away from her body and quickly got out of the bed. James's hand moved up and down for what seemed like a lifetime to Lana, but in reality it was only few seconds. It was obvious he was subconsciously looking for something. Or someone. When he realized there's nothing next him in the bed, he shifted and for a moment Lana thought he'll wake up again. When he just turned back o his side and continue sleeping, she let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding in.

When she was certain James is asleep, she started moving around the apartment, picking up all of her clothes. She had no problem locating her dress, bra and panties, but when she was about to zip the dress up, she realized James ruined it to the point it wasn't wearable anymore. The seam on the side was torn almost to her hip, and beside the fact it looked horrible, the dress did nothing to hide her upper body.

I knew I shouldn't let him ruin my dress. What will I do now? I can't leave the room without a decent dress on me. People will think the worst of me.

Lana was angry with herself for not at least taking a jacket to this thing she agreed to do. But just when she was about to give up, and risk the wrath of other hotel guests and staff, she noticed James had a leather jacket thrown over the loveseat in the main room. It was big enough to cover her and make her at least a bit more decent. She picked it up and tried it on.

It smelled of leather and... James. Lana snuggled her nose in it, trying to savor the smell of him. The jacket looked expensive, but it was the only thing Lana was comfortable with taking. Even though it was obviously worth more than her entire month's rent, and there were signs he probably used it a lot. It was comfortable and softer than any new leather jackets Lana ever had on.

Trying not to over think the situation she got herself in, she stopped snuggling into the jacket and looked around for her handbag. She noticed it near the balcony door, but when she picked it up, the phone Ian's driver gave her wasn't in it.

Great! With my luck it feel out and under the sofa or one of these huge closets. She took another look around, when she noticed the clock was almost six o'clock. She wasn't sure if James was an early riser, but she didn't want to risk it. He's nothing like the playboy he's painted to be. Who knows, maybe he's actually one of those annoying 'morning people'. Ah, screw the phone, it's not like it's actually mine!

She threw two hundred dollar bills on the kitchen counter, quickly scribbled down 'For the jacket' and left the suite without looking back.

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