Chapter One

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This story is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to real life people or events is purely coincidental.

All rights reserved. Copying and/or distribution of this work is illegal and punishable at the court of law.

This is unedited copy, so please, don't mind the grammatical mistakes.


"JULIA ROBERTS would be effing proud of me" Lana Jones though to herself, while she admired her body in the mirror.

She was wearing a cocktail dress with long lacy sleeves in the color of rich red wine. The dress hugged her body like a second skin and ended in her mid-thigh.

Lana continue to murmur to herself as she turned away from the mirror to put on a six inch heels.

"It was crazy to say yes to this ridiculous proposal." Lana argued with herself and reapplied the last of her makeup.

"Yes, I'm broke, but there are other ways to get the money I need. I've survived on my own for this long, why now? Why did I say yes to this particular proposal?

She already knew the answer. The money she'll get from this one night will be enough to move away and start fresh. She'll never need to worry about money in her life.

"It's ridiculous that that Ian guy is willing to pay this obscene amount of money, just to spend the night with some guy. Three million dollars for one night."

"And I don't even need to sleep with him." This was the one thing she made sure wasn't a part of the deal. No matter at what price, sex for money was out of the question.

Lana's phone started ringing. It was time to leave the safe haven her apartment was to her.

"Holly! I'm leaving. I'll be back by seven in the morning!" Lana yelled to her roommate.

A head full of red hair and feckless looked out of the living room.

"Have fun Lana!"

"I hope so." Lana said more to herself than to Holly.

"If I'm not back by the time you leave for work in the morning call the police and tell them Ian McCain should know where I am. All right?"

Holly already turned her back to Lana and only partly listened to what she said. "I'll do that."

The reminder of who to blame if one of them disappeared was a routine for them. After all, you can't trust a blond date will turn out to be as awesome as they claim to be.

Usually they were older, uglier and less intelligent then their glowing references in either online profile or a friend's description.

Lana said goodbye to Holly and walked to the nearby bus station where Ian told her a car will be waiting to take her to the restaurant where she'll meet the client.

The car turned out to be a black limousine and Lana was happy she didn't have to wait, because her legs were killing her.

"How will I ever survive the evening in these shoes?" She thought to herself.

The limo was spacious and Lana felt out of place in it. The back of the car was more luxurious and expensive than everything she owned in the past year combined.

The driver slowly drove away and Lana felt her stomach tighten. She was driving away from the last option to back out of the deal.

No more Julia Roberts would be proud of me thoughts came to Lana's mind. I mean this wasn't Pretty Woman and she's not Julia Roberts. This is real life.

"My life. My life." Lana slowly said to her hands.

"My life. And I can do whatever I want to with it. I'm a grown..."

Before she could finish what sounded like her mantra, the driver's voice interrupted her.

"Miss Jones, my name is Miguel and I'll be your driver for tonight. Mister McCain left a folder for you and told me to tell you everything you need to know about tonight is in that folder."

"You can find the folder on the table."

Lana noticed the blue folder as soon as Miguel mentioned it. She picked it up and nervously looked at it.

"Thank you Miguel!" Lana said to the driver even though she couldn't see him.

Few moments passed by without Lana opening the folder. She knew that the minute she opened the folder, tonight will become very real and not a ridiculous proposal she got used to thinking about.

Finally she found the courage to open the folder and the first thing she noticed was a face of a handsome young man.


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