Chapter Thirty Five

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JAMES WAS FEELING A LOT better when his friends were allowed to come back into his hospital room. However he revoked his soon to be ex-wife privileges to visit him. Blacklisted her, so to speak. He was in a hospital, he needed peace to get better, not Gina to get on his nerves and make him get out of bed to make her leave and injure himself even more in the process.

He was still feeling a bit drowsy from the pain medication and not as sharp as he wanted to, but considering he was barely able to talk in the morning, he feeling great. Specially, because he was able to talk normally now, and will be able to tell his friends to shut the eff up, when they get too annoying.

"I don't understand those nurses. I honestly thought they were here to look sexy and give their patient a heart attack, not kicking out his visitors under the pretense they will cause one..."

A wide smile spread over James's face. There was no doubt about it, Neil was the best friend one can hope to visit them in a hospital. He was making the whole I-almost-died-in-a-car-crash thing seeming a lot less terrifying and not so real. Also his comments were more entertaining than watching real life television.

"Stop being so grumpy, just because your fantasy didn't turn out to be reality. But mostly, stop thinking it ever will..."

Right behind Neil, James's secretary wasn't far behind. They were beck at their bickering, teasing each other in a game that everyone present knew will end them in bed one way or another.

James could only imagine what Neil whispered into Chris's ears, to make her blush into the pretty shade of tomato, and harshly kick him in the shin.

'I bet it has something to do with all that sexual tension that's following them like an overeager private detective on a quest of finishing his first detail...'

He chuckled to himself, but even if he'd laughed out loud, his two visitors most likely wouldn't realize, because they were actively trying to make the other slip.

'I have two crazy people for friends. It's a miracle I hadn't gone crazy as well. But what really gets me is - Just how crazy will their children be?'

This time James's laugh didn't go by unnoticed.

"What you smiling about? You're in a hospital bed!"

Neil obviously annoyed at the fact he couldn't make a small and fragile being my secretary seemed to be to fall on the floor and humiliate herself in front of  the hospital staff. She however couldn't be less bothered by the fact, she couldn't make Neil move for an inch in the direction she wanted. At least not by force, but manipulation? That was a whole different story.

"Nothing dude, I was just thinking about leaving this place..."

Content with his answer, but still a bit suspicious, Neil let it go, but not before making the infamous I'm-watching-you hand gesture. James just laughed it away and searched the room for his secretary. He might be in a hospital bed, but his business wasn't.

"Chris is there anything happening in the office I should know about? Any major changes while I was unconscious?"

 Neil nudged at Chris, giving her a wide I-told-you-so smile. And as this wasn't enough, he had to tell her that too.

"I told you he'll be out and about in no time! I think the next thing he's going to ask you is for a cup of coffee and to hold all of his calls for the day, because he's not feeling so great."

If the looks could kill, Neil would be dead ten times over, just like every time he makes fun of Chris. She's a no-nonsense girl, and Neil was only serious in a business meeting. But even their differences, they were friends for over a decade now. It was Chris who introduced James to Neil and his almost magical powers of finding people and information. He was forever grateful for that.

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