Chapter Twelve

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EVERYTHING JAMES THOUGH HE knew about the miracle boy, was significantly changed while he was watching the interaction between him and his nephew.

He once thought that Gabriel Reed was a typical nerdy twenty-something year-old, who liked computers, never got a real date in high school, was kind of pale due to low sun exposure. But Gabe was the total opposite of this stereotype of a nerdy-computer-miracle-boy. He was athletic, his skin was clearly sun kissed and if his interactions in the diner they were sitting in right now were of any indications, then Gabriel Reed had no problem at all in getting dates.

Everything Gabe did confused James even more. The man seemed to have more interested in what little Sam had to say, then in the contract James wanted him to sign. And the more James was trying to get Gabe to talk about what he was working on now, the more he ignored him and turned to eating cherry pie and vanilla ice-cream with his beloved nephew.

"Em, Gabe, would you mind if we exchange a few words in private? Man on man?"

James didn't know what to do to get Gabe's attention. In the spur of the moment he decided to forget all about what he had learned about delicate business deals, and just be honest.

"Sure, no problem." And for once, asking for what you want from the potential client, was turning out to be the right decision. "I just have to ask Stella if she wouldn't mind to watch over Sam for a few minutes."

Before Gabe got the opportunity to ask the lovely waitress Stella to do anything, she was already at their table picking Sam up.

"Of course I can take care of this big boy over here." She turned on her heel and distracted Sam the second he wanted to protest bout being separated from his uncle. "I have some crayons and a piece of paper in the back. Do you want to make a pretty picture for mommy?"

"Yeeeess!!!" Sam got so excited he almost jumped out of Stella's hands. "But what should I paint?"

"What about you paint what you just ate? Cherry pie and vanilla ice cream?"

Even though the kid's vocabulary seemed awfully big, and his sentences were sometimes more complicated than most adults, he started chanting, what James considered a 'Ode to Ice Cream'.

When 'I scream for ice-cream!' chant and Stella's laughter got lost in the air, James got to business. The only reason why he came to this godforsaken city.

"Look Gabe, my offer is simple. You sign a deal with me and my company, you agree for us to take your product to public." He slid a piece of paper to Gabe. "This would be your monthly salary."

James couldn't help, but to smile when he saw Gabriel Reed's face once he read the numbers on the paper. Even though his company could barely afford to be this generous, James believed Gabe was the key to big bucks. And his competitors were going to be just as generous as he is. If not even more.

"Any questions?"

For a moment Gabe was just looking at the paper. The silence between the two man was becoming uncomfortable, the air got thick with anticipation on James's side and anxiety on Gabe's side. The offer was really generous and any normal person wouldn't even think about what he was signing himself into. But apparently Gabe wasn't one of those people.

Gabe shifted his attention from the paper to the doors leading to the back of the diner, where Stella and Sam were drawing cherry-pies and ice-creams.

"For how long?"

"Four years with a six months notice."

"Six months seems a bit excessive, but I can understand your point of view." Gabe was deep in thoughts. "Where would I have to work?"

The question was asked so quietly James thought he was only imagining he heard it. But the expectant look on Gabe's face made him realize he wasn't just imagining the question. The look also told him, that his work place was a delicate matter.

"Initially it was thought you'd want to work with the team I already have in my firm in New York. But I can see this is important to you, so I need you to know you work on computers, so as long as you have a secure internet connection, you can work from pretty much anywhere you want."

The anxiety on Gabe's face disappeared, replaced by a smile.

"You really want me to work for you, don't you?"

"Probably more than you can imagine."

James tried really hard not to show the despair in his voice, but he was never the ruthless business man, his father was. He was more of a backstage guy. He was the guy who gave the ideas, who made sure things ran smoothly, while other dealt with public appearances and face-to-face meetings, the two things James absolutely hated. But for the sake of the company he built and the people he employed, he put on a mask and pretend to love the life he was living.

"Actually I know what your company's financials look like."

Before James even had the opportunity to respond, Gabe rose his hand, and effectively prevented him from talking.

"Before you ask me how, think again. I can hack into the White House if I want to. Do you really think I wouldn't do a background check on all the firms that are trying to hire me?"

"White House?..."

"Let me finish." After a quick nod from James, he continued talking. "Even though your company is in some serious trouble and is in dire need of a new income, I believe it's exactly the place I want to work at. I took the liberty of contacting some of your employees, and asked them some questions about how it's like to work for you. They all agreed, it's the best place to work in the entire Tristate region."

Shock, bewilderment and the good old surprise, don't even begin to describe James's feelings after Gabe finished his little speech.

"I'm glad to hear this."

"You'll probably be even happier when you hear I will give you the answer by the end of the week. There are some people I need to talk to first, but I'll let you know the moment it's all set."

With these words Gabe got up, shook James's hand and walked towards the back, where Stella, the waitress was looking after Sam.

"Looking forward to hearing from you at the end of the week."

The need to finish the meeting with at least a little bit of formality, James thanked Gabe for his time, put a generous tip for the waitress, and left the diner.

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