Chapter Eight

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JAMES LAZILY TRACED circles  on Vivian's stomach, as he waited for her to wake up. He knew he should get up and put some clothes on before the delivery he ordered in the elevator will be brought to the suite. But Vivian's body felt so good in his hands, it somehow felt like she was right where she belongs when he was holding her in his arms.

In the span of one evening James changed completely. Yes, he was always a charmer, but he never wanted to make a woman, any woman, feel special. He never had this urge to do everything he could just so he could see Vivian smile.

He felt Vivian stir in her sleep, and he froze on the spot, not wanting to wake her up just yet. When he felt her calming down again, he gently removed her hand on his thigh and carefully got up. She stirred again, turned on the spacious sofa and feel right back to sleep.

He looked around the room, spotting his pants thrown over one of the bar stools. How did they get there? They're like half a room away from where we...

Smile came across his face at the memory of what happened not even half an hour ago. He picked up his pants and put them on just as someone knocked on the door.

A man was standing at the door with the delivery he ordered at the elevator. James didn't want him to see naked Vivian sleeping on the sofa, so he just took over the delivery, gave him few ten dollar bills and closed the doors behind him.

He took wax candles out of the basket and arranged them around the room. Next he took a basket full of bloody red rose pedestals and arranged them around the floor, so they were covering the entire main room. He lighted the candles and turned off the light on the foyer, so the suit was only illuminated with candles and moonlight shinning through the window.

Wind blew into the room and lights flickered and James noticed Vivian stirred again. He quickly put on a slow song and walked over to the sofa, so he would be the one to wake her.

He lowered to her level and gently kissed her, waking her up, like the price woke up princess Aurora in Sleeping Beauty. She stretched out on the sofa, and slowly opened her eyes. Right after she opened them a expression of pure disbelief came on her face and she closed her eyes and opened them again. The beautiful and romantic setting was still there.

"For me?"

James smiled at the shock in her voice and nodded.

"All for you."

"How did you?" Vivian covered her mouth with her hand, her eyes huge, when she rose up from the sofa to slip on James's shirt and saw the rose pedestals on the floor and a huge bouquet of bloody red roses on the table, together with champagne and chocolate covered strawberries. "How did you pull it off?"

"I told the elevator boy I wanted candles, flowers and chocolate covered strawberries. The hotel added the champagne."

Soft, romantic tune was flowing in the air smelling of roses. James offered Vivian his hand.

"May I ask for this dance? I wanted to take you dancing in the hotel lobby, but I think here will do."

A single tear slipped down Vivian's face. She took his hand and found herself in James's warm embrace.

"I always wanted to dance in the moonlight, with candles lighting up the room."

"Is it as good as the fantasy?"James unknowingly pulled her closer to her body, silently praying he has given her at least a small piece of the fairytale.

"It's even better." Vivian hid her face in James's shoulder. "Because I get to dance with this handsome man I just met."

She lifted her head and a mischievous smile spread on her face. "And not to forget I just had a mind-blowing-amazing-unbelievable-indescribable-awesome sex with him."

James laughed at her description. But she's right. Tonight is the best night I had in a while. And God knows how much time will pass before I will have a night like this again."

Vivian became serious once again. "James I promise, I will never forget this. No one has ever done anything like this for me before."

"We connected. I like you Vivian. And I hope you like me too."


I LIKE HIM. I LIKE him too much, and this is the problem. Lana thought to herself. This is too much, he had made her feel special, something her ex never had.

They continued dancing, their bodies moving as one.

Am I making a mistake? I know I will never see James after tonight. Do I even have a right to feel something for him? He's been honest with me from the start, and what did I do? I lied to him. I didn't even told him my real name, or the fact I'm paid to spend the night with him. So in fact I'm no better than the gold diggers who only spend their time with him because he's rich. As a matter of fact I'm probably even worse, because I had basically just prostituted myself.

Thoughts were running wild in Lana's head. Now that they had done the deed and some of the tension was gone, she started thinking about what she had done.

If you don't want people to see you in a certain light, than never show yourself in it. Granny's words came into her mind. She would be so disappointed with my behavior today. I should never sell myself as I did to that Ian McCain. The money isn't worth my psychological well being.

With these thoughts Lana started planning her escape. She knew it would be suspicious if she'd just tear herself out of James's arms and run away. She needs to leave him subtly, so he won't suspect something is wrong.

She felt James's lips on her neck and she knew it would take a while before she could make the escape. She already had a plan, and part of the plan was to forget about reality for a few more minutes, and enjoy her time with James as much as she can, because she knew it's limited.

So took lifted his head and pulled him into a long passionate kiss.

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