Chapter Sixteen

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JUST SEEING VIVIAN AND TOUCHING her for the first time in six years was incredible. James never wanted to stop touching her ever again.

Lana on the other hand didn't seem affected by them running into each other after six years. Her face was a mask, she was showing no emotion whatsoever.

Blank. Her face was blank.

What is she supposed to do? Jump right into your arms? She left after one night, and disappeared from the face of the Earth. I mean seriously, what did you expect? -At least a little enthusiasm. I mean did have an amazing night together...

Arguing with himself, trying to get into Vivian's brain and figure out why her face is so blank. The need to know everything about suddenly hit him with full force.

To the outsider, his life looked like it never stopped. Like the night he spent with Vivian hadn't changed everything. Simple truth was, the thought of that one night love affair they had six years ago was always not too far from James's mind. Specially because finding Vivian turned out to be a mystery harder than enigma.

"Long time no see?"

The words came out of Vivian's mouth and caused James to jump a little. With great regret he removed his hand always from her face, in order to collect himself.

I can't mess up this. I need to focus on something, so I stop getting distracted by every single move she makes. She'll think I'm a loony, if I won't be able to get out a full, logical sentence in the next few seconds!


Awkward silence took over as they carefully looked at each other, like the other is more of a ghost from the past, than a real person.

Panic rose in James. What if there will be nothing to talk about? I need to say something. Anything!!!

"Reedville, ha? About the last place I would ever think of looking for you."

Before James realized what he said, a small smile spread over Vivian's otherwise blank face.

"You were looking for me?"

The teasing tone and the small smile were a killer combination, and James was left speechless, only thinking about how cure she looks, when a crocked smile was gracing her face.

"And you're blushing." Vivian smile spread, and a dimple formed on her left cheek. "I guess that means you were looking for me..."

"I guess you could say so..." James finally picked himself together. "Even though it took me more than six years and the most unfortunate events to find you by accident."

"I don't know what to say? You were my last crazy thing before I moved out of L.A."

"You sure. If I didn't knew better I would think you were hiding."

For a friction of second worry showed in Vivian's eyes. But before James could even comprehend what he saw, it was gone. Instead of focusing on something he wasn't even sure about he decided to write what he saw off to a shadow and a shift of light. It was easier this way.

"Nope, just got here. A friend of mine is opening this bakery tomorrow and I came here to cheer her on. It's difficult as it is to start a new business in the middle of a crisis, but opening a bakery with international deserts in the middle of rural Texas... Some would say she doesn't have all her rabbits in the row, God bless her soul."

"I, for one, think it's really nice of you to come to a friend to support her. I never had many friends like this. But I don't agree with you. Desert is good, whether it's from Texas or from Paris."

Vivian full on laughed.

"You really are a city boy, aren't you?"

"Even if I am?"

"It just proves my point. Everyone in Reedville and is over thirty will never touch something that's not pure American, unless they are either forced to do it, or by being fooled."

Vivian was barely able to say everything with a straight face, and when James started laughing, she couldn't help herself and started laughing as well.

This is it. This is what I have been missing this whole time. This is what life is all about.

Her laughter filled James with a feeling of pure happiness. The six years gap since they had seen each other, were gone like they never happened. To him, it was just yesterday when he meet Vivian for the first time, sitting all alone in the hotel bar.

"James, it was great to see you again, but my friend is waiting for me..."

And just like that, the magical moment was broken.

"Yeah. It was really great to see you, Vivian."

He offered her his hand, wanting so much more, than just to touch her hand. But Vivian ignored his outstretched hand and pulled him into a hug. The gesture was enough for James to get the ego boost he needed to ask, what he wanted to ask from the moment he touched her cheek today.

"See me again Vivian. Please."

Slowly she pulled away from the hug and shook her head.

"It's not a good idea James. It really was nice to see you again, but I can' do this."

Not taking no for an answer, James handed Vivian his card.

"Call me if you change your mind."


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