Nine: Are We Sure Simon's Not on Drugs?

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Everest walked into the Institute with coffee in one hand and her shoes in the other. She had arrived the night before only to find the Institute still in one piece, learning that nothing had actually happened. Everest had been annoyed, but she had accepted the situation and had started working on one of her many side projects. The next morning, she had left early again to get coffee and a blueberry muffin—thinking she deserved at least that much. However, Clary didn't seem to think so because she had texted her to get back to the Institute because Alec took her necklace or something.

Everest followed the sound of her friends' voices and ended up in one of the training rooms. Clary and Izzy stood next to each other, both looking slightly disgruntled, Jace was in workout clothes and extremely sweaty, and Alec was standing in front of an unfamiliar woman with a minorly startled expression.

"Mother. Welcome back, we didn't expect you," he said hugging the woman.

So that was Maryse Lightwood. Everest had heard plenty about her since she had met Izzy, and not all of it was very kind. Everest stayed in the doorway, hoping that she wouldn't be roped into whatever situation was sure to go down. Unfortunately for her, Jace had no intentions of letting her stay in the shadows once he saw her.

"Purple!" he called out to her, causing Maryse, Izzy, Alec, and Clary to all turn to her. "Don't just stand there, come socialize."

"Bleh," she muttered as she went to stand between Izzy and Jace. "You're kinda terrible sometimes, you know that?"

The blonde just chuckled and ruffled her hair causing her to freeze in place for a moment in surprise before her arm started moving faster than her brain could process. She swung her right fist and hit Jace in the cheek. He stumbled back, his face contorted with shock and his hand pressed to his cheek. The others in the room stared at her in shock as well, though there was an underlying layer of pride on Izzy, Clary, and Alec's faces.

"Don't touch my hair?" Everest said, though she said it like a question, somewhat sheepishly as she shrugged her shoulders and grinned lightly.

"Where did you learn to punch someone like that?" Jace asked, not seeming even a little mad the girl had just punched him in the face.

"Brad and Jay," she smirked. "They insisted on teaching me how to defend myself once they learned I, and I quote, 'face the dangers of the world far too often.' At least I can safely say that not only have I managed to defend myself against creepy men in alleyways, I have also managed to punch a dyed blonde without breaking my hand."

Jace rolled his eyes at her jab at his hair, but said nothing, knowing that he wouldn't win.

Maryse cleared her throat and Everest blinked, forgetting she was there.

"Oh, hello." Everest waved to the woman.

"Who are you?" she said in greeting.

"Mom," Alec began as he placed a hand on Everest's shoulder. She jumped, not expecting the sudden touch. "This is Everest. Everest Fairchild."

The woman seemed shocked at her name. "I didn't know Jocelyn had a second daughter."

Everest smiled softly. "Apparently neither does Valentine or the Circle. Everytime we encounter them, I'm either ignored or get comments like 'I don't know who you are, girlie' or 'who are you.' It's a little insulting, really."

"Anyways," the woman cleared her throat again. "We'll talk about the Institute later. Right now, we have a bigger problem. The Seelies have stopped communicating with the Clave and won't explain why. My guess is they're still upset we asked them to send scouts to look for Valentine, but no one in their realm will talk."

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