The Class Meets Malecrest

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This drabble isn't based on a prompt that one of you has sent in (I'll get to the rest of yours eventually Alex, I swear). Instead, it's one that I posted to my IG and decided it was worthy to be posted here as well. Enjoy the chaos and maybe ignore the fact that this drabble is lowkey filled with spoilers for the epilogue(s) I have planned.

Everest, Magnus, and Alec walked side-by-side through the K-8 school on their way to pick up their kids from school. Everest had one arm wrapped around Alec, the other fiddling with the stars dangling from her earrings. Alec and Magnus were holding hands and talking softly, but Everest was too busy watching the little kids running around to pay much attention.

"Mamma! Papa! Dad!" shrieked a child.

Alec stepped away from his partners to bend down and scoop up the ball of energy that was Max. He lifted him up in the air, spinning once, then settled the boy on his hip.

"Hey Beary," the man greeted with a grin. "How was your day?"

"It was great! We colored in numbers and I won Red-Light-Green-Light and I got candy!" rambled the five year old.

Everest grabbed Max's bag from his cubby and started to go through it, making sure everything was in the bag. She was smiling the entire time as she listened to her son's rambles.

"Excuse me, are you Max's parents?" a young woman in a pale green dress asked.

"We are." Everest nodded.

"Alright, could one of you sign him out please? Then you're free to go."

Magnus stepped forward to sign the sheet seeing as he was the only one who didn't have his hands full.

"I meant one of Max's parents," the woman said, stepping in front of Magnus.

Magnus raised an eyebrow. "I'm aware. I am one of his parents."

The woman's face reddened and she stepped away rather quickly. Magnus rolled his eyes and signed Max out. When he turned back to his family, he found Everest and Alec swarmed by small children who were listening intently as their youngest child spoke animatedly. Magnus chuckled and decided to just wait for Max's story to be done before reminding him that they couldn't  stay at the school forever.

"...and then we went to go pick up Rafe at the pool only to find him climbing in the ceiling! Mamma had to climb up there too 'cause she's the only one who could fit in the vents."

Magnus chuckled. He remembered that day. He had dropped Rafael (their other son) off at a friend's house for a few hours one summer day. Everest, Alec, Max, and himself had gone to pick him up at the community indoor pool only to find that Rafael and his friends had somehow managed to climb into the vents. It had been a long forty minutes of waiting, that was for sure.

"It took forever and ever for Mamma to get him and his friends down, but she got them down finally. Then we went to get ice cream and pick up Rose."

"Oh, but I distinctly remember Rafael falling in the pool after getting down from the vents," someone mused from the doorway.

Magnus smiled in greeting upon seeing Rose and Rafael standing in the doorway. Rose was grinning while her brother buried his face in his hands.

"Rose! Rafe!" Max darted from the circle of children and barreled into his siblings to hug them.

"Hey Blue."


"We should head out," Alec spoke up, helping Everest up from where she had been pulled to sit on the floor by Max. "Say bye to your friends Max."

Max went around the classroom, saying goodbye to each individual child before running back to his family. Everest picked him up and settled him on her back.

"Got everything, you two?" Magnus asked the older children. They nodded and the family of six left the classroom.

As they left, they were unaware of the students staring after them in awe. Why wouldn't they be? After all, they had just met Max's parents—all of them. They had met the ever-glittery Magnus, the tattooed Alec, and bright-haired Everest. They had even met Max's siblings! How cool was that?

"That was so cool," one child whispered to another.

"So cool."

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