No Coffee Equals Potential Death

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 This prompt was suggested by the ever chaotic @expectoanimagi and not going to lie, I was expecting them to give me an angst-filled prompt, but no. She gave me a chaotic fluffy prompt (and that needs to be an alignment chart option) that goes as follows: Everest spending a day without coffee and having to fight demons at the same time with Jace. 

All I have to say about it is this: @expectoanimagi, you have filled my brain with chaos and now you must deal with the result. Enjoy! (Also, thank you for helping me come up with Jace's name in his phone.)

This drabble includes fighting and non-detailed descriptions of guns, fighting, and violence. Please only read if you are comfortable with that and it won't trigger you. The fighting part will be labeled in bold in case you want to read the rest of it.

She glared darkly at the coffee maker from where she sat on the counter. Her jade eyes were alight with promises of a fiery death and her scowl was deeper than he had ever seen it. He didn't really want to approach her, not when she looked that angry, but then Clary shoved him towards the nineteen year old with dark sunset colored hair, leaving him with no choice.

"We have a mission, Everest," he said, hoping he was hiding his nervousness well.

"Have fun," she responded bitterly.

"No, you and I have a mission," he clarified. Was he going to get shot? Maybe. That was unclear at the moment.

"Says who?"

"Says everyone else being busy."

Everest grumbled curses that even Jace didn't know as she stalked out of the kitchen, the blonde following behind her. He waited outside her room as she changed into Shadowhunting gear (she had, after almost a year, given into wearing the leather clothing so that she was safer on missions). Every once in a while there was a thud, then a curse louder than the rest, followed by Everest cursing out whatever object she had tripped over. Jace both wanted to know why his sister was so pissed off and clumsier than usual and wanted to avoid that answer all together.

"You alright?" he called through the sticker-covered door.

"Give me five minutes!" Everest called back. Her words were both sharp and defeated, it was an odd combination but Jace supposed it was common for her to have an odd mix of emotions on her face or in her voice. That was just Everest.

There was another loud string of curses that floated through the door and Jace decided enough was enough. He was going to text Alec to figure out what the fuck was going on with Everest.


What the fuck is wrong with Everest??


What do you mean? What did you do?

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I didn't know half of those curses existed...

What did you do?


I didn't do anything! I just found her glaring at the coffee maker and then when I told her about the mission she ran up to her room to get changed and she's been swearing the whole time!


Has she had coffee?


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