Thirty-Four: FaceTimes and Brothers

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It's been a minute, hasn't it? I've been busy with things in my offline life recently and so I haven't been able to properly sit down and edit this chapter until this week. I hope you enjoy nonetheless!

Trigger Warnings: Major injury, mentions of death (entire chapter), weapons/guns (entire chapter), fighting

"Girls, we can't panic," Jace said as Everest started making violent, meaningless gestures.

"He's a psychopath. He's capable of anything. Simon is innocent in all of this. Valentine only took him because we care about him," Clary said frantically.

"Why'd he have to be so brave and reckless and so Simon-ish?" Everest exclaimed, hands going to her hair in a sharp motion.

Everest turned towards the approaching Luke with her hair clenched in her hands and posture tense enough to hurt.

"Hey. All the prisoners are either dead or gone," he said. "No sign of Cleophas."

Everest's exhale was sharper than the last. She had forgotten they were also there for Luke's sister.

"Hey, it's going to be okay," Jace said gently.

Everest only heard him distantly, her mind only focusing on the sharp pain in her head from tugging her hair and the dull throbbing in her shoulders from her posture being too tense and closed off. She felt someone's arms wrap around her and lifted her head slightly to see Luke's familiar brown leather jacket.

"Deep breaths for me, okay? In and out. In and out. Match my breathing Kiddo." His voice was quiet, gentle, familiar.

One arm was removed from her back to gently untangle her hands from her hair but she didn't resist. She let him set her hands at her sides as she matched his breathing. Slowly, her breathing and heartbeat slowed down to a reasonable pace and her panic attack was postponed, if not mostly stopped.

A high-pitched ringing had her whirling in Luke's arms and looking at Clary. She held up her phone for them to see. It was a FaceTime from Simon. Clary hadn't set specific songs to her contacts like Everest did—well, beyond a chaotic tone she had set for Everest that changed every month or so. Everest moved to stand beside Clary, leaving the familiar comfort of her uncle.

"Answer it Clary," Luke insisted.

Clary answered it, holding the phone so that they could all see.

Simon was struggling, tied to a couch that looked too familiar for Everest's liking. His mouth was duct taped shut.

"No," Clary gasped out.

Valentine entered the frame. Everest did her best not to cry. "Hello Clarissa, Everest. I wish we were chatting under more civilized circumstances, but I'm afraid I've run out of options."

"Let Simon go," Clary said firmly. It was the voice she used when Everest or Simon was about to do something completely stupid. Like punch the most wanted man in the ShadowWorld while backup was unavailable.

"Absolutely." Everest's eyes narrowed. It wouldn't be that easy. It was never that easy. Especially not with Valentine. "Just as soon as you come back to the Institute. I need you to activate the Soul Sword for me."

"Not happening," Everest snapped.

"Oh, but I think it will." Valentine smirked. "Because if you and Clarissa don't show up within the hour, your sister's vampire boyfriend here is going to die a death I wouldn't wish upon anyone."

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