Six: An Idiot and a Mini Heart-to-Heart

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Everest groaned as she was once again pulled from her very comfortable position to go to the room her friend was in with Camille. She really disliked her, not only because she was the one who ordered the kidnapping of Simon and herself or because she broke Everest's leg in 5 places, but because she was the one who took Raphael from her, and that was unforgivable.

"It will be fine, Escritora. Just don't piss her off too much," Raphael assured her.

Everest pouted, but followed anyway.

"Clary! I'm here!" the purple haired girl heard Simon shout as they entered the room.

Everest sighed in annoyance when Simon tried to run away from the vampires. Did he really not understand that vampires had super speed and could easily catch up to him? Did he not remember anything from the movies he made her sit through?

Raphael pushed the boy back away from the door. "I told you, you're a hostage! Accept it!" he shouted. Everest winced at the volume.

Simon tried to swing at Raphael like an idiot, but Raphael just turned him around and held a dagger at his throat. Everest watched, wide-eyed from the corner of the room where she had moved, not really wanting to be caught in the crossfire.

"Don't move. I know you want to know how this story ends," Raphael warned the mousy haired boy. Everest snorted quietly. 'He talks with me for a few hours and he's already referencing my hobbies again with his warnings,' she laughed mentally. Her friend had said and done this exact thing years ago when someone had tried to mug and attack her in a dark alleyway one night. She thought of the parallel and immediately a scene popped into her head along with a way to include it in one of her WIPs.

"Thank you Raphael, I'll take this from here," the female vampire told him, walking forward.

"You don't have to bother."

"No, honestly. I've had it with this thing. Give it to me. I'll finish it off." Camille had an annoyed and disgusted expression on her face as she looked at Simon.

"Camille, we have a bigger problem. They're almost here, and you can't be caught. You're too valuable. I'll kill it." Everest was flattered slightly that Raphael never once said anything about "killing" her, though she knew he wasn't going to kill Simon either. But still, the thought was there.

"That's a little excessive, yeah?" Simon asked nervously and Everest almost told him to shut up, but her vampire friend beat her to it.

"Shut up. Take the back passage out through the tunnels. Go!" Camille turned and walked quickly out of the room without a single glance back.

Raphael gave Everest a look that told her to stand beside him. "Now, you two listen and do exactly as I say...nothing more." Everest saw his eyes widen as he took a deep breath. "They're coming."

Raphael snaked the arm holding the dagger loosely around her neck, the other holding Simon, as Clary, Izzy, Alec, and Jace burst into the room.

"Simon! Everest!" Clary shouted, rushing forward until Jace caught her arm.

"Clary! That's not going to do any good," he hissed to her.

"Listen to him, Clary Fairchild. Put it away. I've had more than enough of your friends for one day. I'd love to cut his throat, don't give me a reason to. Put it away!" Everest flinched at the sudden shout.

The Shadowhunters put their weapons away, not once taking their eyes off Simon and Everest.

"Simon, Everest. Are you alright?" Clary asked them frantically. Everest shrugged noncommittally.

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