Morning Rush

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So, since I have no more prompts to write (because I cannot write @ink_and_fables_4_u's final prompt without giving away a major spoiler) the next six or so drabbles will be a series called Domestic Malecrest.  This is a series of short drabbles that really show what Alec, Magnus, and Everest's lives are like when they're not saving the world.

Also, for the next six weeks at least  (maybe more) I cannot make any promises that I'll be able to upload every week. Not only are the winter holidays approaching faster than I  want them to be, I've also been given strict orders by my doctor not to overwork my wrist so as to not cause further damage. Which means that my ability to type and hold my phone and pretty much exist as a human being is unfortunately limited right now. But I will do my best to continue writing and working despite the chaos.

So here's the first part: A rather mundane, if rushed, morning with Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, and Everest Fairchild.

It was not the rapid crescendo of Everest's alarm that woke her up, nor Alec getting up with the sun, or even Magnus and/or Alec moving about the apartment. It was the sound of muttered swears and frantic shuffling around the room that woke her up instead.

Everest turned under the mass of blankets she slept under every night, yawning and making a small whimper-like noise when her bare arms were exposed to the air outside her blankets. She pulled her head out from under a fuzzy purple blanket and rubbed her eyes like a young child in a cartoon. Her neck cracked when she turned her head to look for Alec or Magnus.

She found Magnus first, fast asleep beside her. His hair hung in his face, dark locks a stark contrast to the white pillows. His face twitched slightly, eyebrows furrowing and lines on his face deepening. Everest wondered what he was dreaming about.

There was another muffled sentence that Everest didn't quite catch and Everest turned halfway over towards the source of the noise, finding Alec rifling through the closet.

"Wha?" she mumbled, words clumsy and thick with sleep. "Too early."

Alec turned to her, giving her a smile and shaking his head. "It's ten-fifteen, Darling."

Everest stared blankly at him and then his words sunk in. "Oh no."

Her arms flailed slightly as she searched for the zip-up she had discarded the night before. She tugged it on as quickly as possible, not appreciating how drastic the temperature difference was from under the covers to the rest of the bedroom. Her slight panic at waking up late dulled slightly when Alec rested his hands on her forearms.

"Everest, it's alright. You don't have to be anywhere until noon."

Everest blinked up at him slowly, eyes heavy and only half-seeing. "It's Wednesday."

He smiled kindly. "It is."

"I have a workshop at noon and then meetings at three until four-thirty." Her brain whirled as it tried to rid itself of sleep and replace it with her schedule. It only sort of worked.

"You have plenty of time to get ready."

Her mind made a soft pinging noise as she remembered something she had wanted to do that day. "I wanted to get coffee and groceries before the workshop."

Alec's arm moved to drape over her shoulders and he pressed a kiss to her forehead. "What time did you want to get groceries?"

"I don't know," she shrugged.

Alec hummed. "Why don't you get ready, have some breakfast and coffee, and pull together a grocery list and see what time it is?"

"So that I know if I'll have time?" Alec made a noise of agreement. "Okay. That'll work. I'll wake up Mags."

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