Thirteen: Group Chats Are A Lot

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Please Note: For better reading experience, maybe read this chapter on a phone or something that's not a computer. You'll understand more later on in the chapter (if you couldn't already guess by the title).

"Alec, do you think you could get my stele back?"

Everest looked up to see Alec and Max walking into the Ops Center. The little boy had a pleading look on his face and Alec looked like he was about to give in.

"They took it away because you almost burned down the Mumbai Institute," Alec deadpanned.

"How many times do I have to say it was an accident!" Max rolled his eyes.

Everest bent down in front of Max with a smile. "Tell you what Max. If you manage to stay out of trouble for the next three days and learn the difference between the Nourishment, Extinguish, and whatever the water rune is, I will help you convince Alec to get you your stele back. How's that?"

He beamed at her and wrapped his arms around her neck. She returned the hug briefly before detaching him from her. Alec turned away as she looked at him, but she caught sight of a smile on his face.

The Institute's front doors hissed open and a bald man in a long-sleeved shirt and covered in runes stepped into the building. Valentine.

Both of the young adults pushed Max behind them. Everest drew her gun and fired two shots as Alec shot an arrow at the man. Valentine caught the arrow, but both bullets buried themselves into his left shoulder. His face flickered and Everest frowned. Faces weren't supposed to do that. She kept her gun aimed at the man, though now it was aimed at his face. From the corner of her eye, she saw Alec lower his bow in shock.

'Stupid,' she thought. 'That's how you get hurt.'

People began to rush towards them, only just noticing the intruder. Valentine drew out a stele and ran it over a rune on his forearm, as well as an Iratze. The man's form shifted to that of a blonde woman in a brown suit jacket that Everest wanted in white. Partially because it was cute, but also because she wanted to be able to look as hot and badass as the woman did. Her expression was annoyingly neutral, though Everest could see the faint approval in her eyes as she looked at her and Alec.

"That reaction time was abysmal," she remarked, almost mockingly. "Except for you two. I'm Lydia Branwell, envoy from the Clave."

Everest lowered her gun and made a distressed noise. The woman paid her no mind, though Alec looked at her questioningly.

'Shit. Shit, shit, shit. I just shot a Clave lady!' Everest screamed in her mind.

"You." She pointed at Everest, who froze. "It's not often that you see a Shadowhunter using a mundane weapon. Who are you?"

It took Max and Alec nudging her for her to answer. "Everest."

"What's your last name?"

She shrugged. "I don't actually know."

Lydia's brows furrowed. "Why not?"

"Because I thought it was one thing, then it wasn't that, so I thought it was my mom's maiden name, but apparently it's supposed to be my dad's last name but I don't like him so I don't know what my last name is. I could use the ones my friends gave me, but that was a bit illegal and they're not on any official papers so..."

"Who are your parents?"

"Uhh...Jocelyn Fairchild and a psychopath?" Everest really didn't know the right answer to that question.

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