Twenty-Four: Valentine is...Confusing

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This chapter is an interesting one, even if it's a bit shorter than usual, since Valentine is such a good villain and so good at what he does (unfortunately).

Trigger warnings: description of being attacked, mentions of death, mentions of manipulation, descriptions of fighting, descriptions of blades and guns, descriptions of blood

Everest was scribbling away on a piece of paper, sitting on the floor against her bed. She had raided a supply closet and found a stack of paper and pen to her delight. She had gotten an idea for Shadowed Spotlights mid-tattoo and was only just now able to write it down.

Everest jumped when three harsh, powerful knocks echoed in the room. She hadn't realized how unnervingly silent the room had become.

Whoever had knocked didn't wait for her to say anything before barging in. Everest yelped upon seeing Cyprus standing in the doorway, a harsh glare on his face.

"What do you want?" she asked, scrambling to gather her papers before he stepped on them or did something equally petty. She wouldn't put it past him.

"Your daddy wants you," he sneered. Everest preferred it when he pretended to be nice. At least then he looked less like a drowned, hairy armadillo.

Everest huffed and followed him through the ship, muttering about "stupid brothers" and "how could Lyn possibly be related to this asshole?"

"Will you shut up?" Cyprus snapped, whirling on her. "All you've ever done is whine and complain, will you shut up for just two minutes?"

"Not if it will make you happy," she shot back, fed up with him.

"How the hell does my sister even like you? You're insufferable!"

"Says the one who tried to do unspeakable things!" Everest waved her hands about in complicated motions to somehow demonstrate the hypocrisy. "You're the one who did a complete one-eighty and completely flipped on his sister."

Trigger Warning: Being attacked and pinned

Cyprus snarled dangerously and slammed Everest against the wall, arm pressed against her throat. "Don't you dare talk about my sister."

"You brought her up first," Everest rasped, fighting for oxygen.

"FALLIS!" Valentine's angry voice roared. "What are you doing?"

For once, Everest was glad to hear her father's angry voice.

Everest dropped to the ground as Cyprus backed up hurriedly. "Nothing, sir," he said, words tinged with fear.

Trigger warning over

"Really? Because it looked like you just attacked my daughter."

"I apologize, sir."

"Take him away."

Four Circle members Everest hadn't seen rushed forward and each grabbed one of Cyprus's limbs, hauling him away to who knows where. Everest just stared after them, rubbing her throat.

"Here, let me." Valentine drew a healing rune on the side of her neck and almost instantly the pain went away. She nodded gratefully. "I don't understand why you insist on antagonizing him," the man sighed.

"He started it," Everest muttered, not unlike a child being scolded for taking an extra cookie. "He's the one who snapped first. You'd think he'd be better at keeping his cool since he's an assassin and all."

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