Season One

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Dark markings. Shimmery vine tattoos. Blue sparks. Teeth sharper than normal. Growls like a wolf's. The signs were always there throughout Everest's life, but it's only just now that she's starting to realize it.

"This is ridiculous! Not only has my world been flipped upside down, now you're telling me that you're leaving me?" She scoffed. "Of course, because why not make my life even harder than it is already by making me lose another person to this hellish world?"

"Everest, I—"

"Save it. Just go. Everybody does, don't make it harder than it is."

In which Everest Fray's life is flipped upside down, inside out, and backwards before she even manages to find a small part that becomes her normal.

Season one of Shadowhunters

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