Two: Glitter and Dead Bodies

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Gino and Everest laid atop Simon's van in silence. There was no need for words at the moment, and neither had any words that would make each other's hurt go away anyway. Gino had no words that could make the unintentional pain that Everest's mother had inflicted go away, nor could he say anything that would make the pain that surrounds Everest's birthday disappear. Everest had nothing to say that could take away Gino's pain; nothing that could take away the hurt of losing his mother and siblings to a group of law enforcement in California. There was nothing that she could tell him to ease the pain—she had hardly any ability to deal with emotional hurt and pain herself, much less the ability to help others through their pain. 

But, the silence was just what they both needed, even if it was broken by the sound of people and loud music from the club. The silence gave them a form of company, the feeling of not being alone.

That silence was broken by the sound of someone shouting up at the duo. "Hey Glitz! Hey G! Get your butts down here!"

The two sat up and looked down at Roslyn. She looked so out of place amongst those dressed for clubbing, what with her leggings and oversized t-shirt. Her hair was thrown up in a messy bun, caramel strands falling out as she looked up. Gino and Everest hopped down from the van, neither caring how messy their hair was nor how Gino's shirt had become unbuttoned at some point as they had watched the stars.

"You two look like you just made out," she told them. Everest's nose scrunched up and Gino fake gagged. 

"Ewww! Lyn! That'd be disgusting!" the purple haired girl whined.

Roslyn shrugged. "Let's go. I hate clubs and I want ice cream."

Gino chuckled and hugged the shortest of the three. "If you need me, call me and I'll be there in 10 minutes," he whispered into her ear.

She hugged him back, nodding her head into his shoulder. "I will. And the same goes for you mister."

They went their separate ways, Gino going back into the club to dance his problems away, and the girls back to Roslyn's house to have a weekend away from all the problems that normally controlled their lives. On the way back, Everest suddenly shouted.

"On your left! Turn left!"

Roslyn turned sharply, exhaling even sharper before turning to the girl in the passenger seat. "What the hell was that!"

"There's a Dairy Queen and I want a Blizzard," Everest explained. Roslyn relaxed and nodded in agreement.

So, the two got the largest Oreo Blizzards they could get. And then they were on their way once more. It was nearly midnight when they got there, but that didn't stop them from putting on a terrible movie and raiding the fridge for leftovers to go with their ice cream.

"How're you?"

Everest didn't move from her spot in the nest of blankets she had made in the corner of the sectional. "Well, it's my birthday, I got dragged to a club, my mom hardly keeps the counters or even the table and couch clear enough for me to sit on, and it's my birthday. You?"

Roslyn just hummed. "My parents ditched for the weekend, my brother's at his friend's house for the night, and I get to hang out with you all weekend."

"Sounds like your day's been better than mine so far."

"But now you're here and with me."

"And now my day's gotten better."

By the time the movie was over, they had both fallen asleep. However, it wasn't long until Roslyn woke to soft whimpers.

"No...don't...please don't..." Everest was curled in a ball, her purple hair in a tangled halo around her as her head shook back and forth.

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