Blanket Forts and Onesies

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In honor of yesterday being Valentine's Day (even though I was happily single and celebrating my friend's birthday instead of the holiday) I'm double posting two drabbles set around Valentine's Day. Enjoy! This one is set around the Distractions time line.

"Guess what day it is tomorrow," Magnus said in a sing-song voice.

"Friday?" Everest guessed, not looking up from her email.

Magnus's light huff was enough to tell her she wasn't right.

"Not at all. Today's Saturday Cupcake."

Everest looked up from her computer, brows furrowing. "No it's not."

Magnus just smiled at her and held up his phone. The lock screen, which was a picture of her and Alec dancing in the rain, showed that it was in fact Saturday. And two in the afternoon, which meant Everest really needed to check the time more often considering she thought it was ten in the morning on a Thursday.


Magnus laughed lightly and pressed a kiss to her forehead.

"Tomorrow's Sunday," Alec answered Magnus's question, smiling at the two as he sat beside them on the couch with coffee for all of them. Everest gladly took the drink. "And Valentine's Day."

Everest hummed. "Why is there a holiday named after my horrible dad?"

Magnus and Alec burst out laughing, filling the living room with two very different, but equally comforting, laughs. Magnus's laughter was airy and unrestrained, much like how he was in day to day life. Alec's laughter was low and rumbly, much more subtle than Magnus's, but just as filled with warmth. Everest smiled. She loved it when they laughed.

"I think the holiday was named after St. Valentine, Darling," Alec said.

Everest shrugged. "Eh, still. My point stands."

"Does it?"

Everest gaped at Alec's teasing grin and shoved him lightly. Her computer shifted halfway off her lap with her movement and she froze. No. She wasn't going to let her computer fall. Not today. Everest shifted carefully so that her computer slowly inched back onto her lap properly without her having to put down her coffee and sighed in relief when it worked.

"You could have asked one of us to move your computer," Magnus said with a smile.

Everest opened her mouth to respond, closed it, opened it again, and closed it again. She probably looked like a fish. "I—maybe."

Magnus laughed again and rested his head on Everest's shoulder. Everest's lips quirked into a smile of their own accord, though she wasn't going to stop the smile.

"Are we doing anything tomorrow?" Alec asked. He shifted so that he was facing the other two and curled up under the massive fuzzy green blanket draped across the back of the couch.

Magnus shrugged. "Maybe. I don't know. We can."

Everest hummed. Her mind filled with all the possibilities for dates and things that could happen tomorrow, many of which she had written as date scenes for her characters.

"I have a few ideas," she offered. She glanced between her boyfriends, watching them decide if they wanted to do anything tomorrow or not.

Magnus shrugged. "Sure."

Alec smiled. "Sounds good. Let us know if you need any help."

Alec gave her a short kiss and then Everest stood up to call Izzy for help preparing everything. Except the food. Izzy wasn't allowed near the kitchen.

"Hey Dusk," she greeted with a smile. "I need some help with some Valentine's Day plans."

"Count me in," her friend said, the mischievous grin clear even over the phone.


"Why are we being trapped here?" Alec asked as Everest nudged Alec and Magnus into their room so she could set up the rest of the apartment. It was too cold and gross outside to go anywhere so she decided a house date would be better, warmer, and cuter than being outside in New York in February.

"Because I don't want you guys to get spoilers," she said for the third time that morning. "Now shoo. I'll get you when I'm done. Make sure to put on the outfits hanging on the door too."

She flashed them another smile and closed the door. She waited for a moment to see if they would find the outfits. She knew exactly when they saw them. They burst out laughing and Magnus said something Everest didn't quite catch that made Alec laugh even more. She grinned and started to set up the house.

She pulled out the massive box of blankets and pillows Izzy had borrowed from the Institute and grabbed a few chairs. She had to stack a stool on top of the chair to reach the ceiling, but she managed to stick the 3M hooks to the ceiling without falling. She moved the couches and chairs around so that they created a large square-ish shape and then started artfully draping the blankets around the living room. Once Everest had successfully set up the foundation, and moved the tv so that it was visible from inside the fort, she started the interior.

She set a large comforter on the ground as a cushion, then laid down smaller blankets and pillows. Everest sat back on her heels and considered the pack of fairy lights Izzy had added to the boxes. Did she want to deal with them? Everest almost turned away but then she thought about the aesthetic and decided to at least try to put them up.

Ten minutes and a rather considerable amount of cursing later, and Everest plopped backwards and looked at her accomplishment proudly. The living room had been transformed into a massive blanket fort and aesthetic pile of pillows and blankets. Fairy lights lit up the inside of the fort and the tv was set to play Disney movies. There were snacks and drinks set up outside of the fort and the apartment was dark enough to be cozy but not so dark as to be dangerous to walk around in.

Everest stood up and got ready for the movie night. She threw her hair up in a messy bun, got dressed, and took off her makeup. Then she opened the bedroom door.

Magnus and Alec were lounging on the bed, each reading a book and just existing. They were in the outfits Everest had set out for them and it took a great deal of effort to not just burst out laughing. They looked adorable and ridiculous in their matching Stitch onesies and grey socks.

Alec looked up at the sound of her stifled laughter. He grinned at her appearance. She was dressed in a matching Stitch onesie and grey socks and her purple hair was held up by a blue scrunchie. "You look adorable," he told her, holding his arms out for her.

"I know," she said with a smile. She didn't hug him, knowing that he'd just pull her onto the bed. She grabbed Alec and Magnus's hands and pulled them into the living room. "Now come on. It's all set up."

Alec and Magnus allowed her to pull them into the living room.

Magnus gasped when he saw how she had transformed the house. Everest looked at him worriedly. Did he not like it? Was it too basic? Too much?

But then Everest was pulled into a tight hug and Magnus was giving her a sweet kiss and her anxiety melted away.

"I love it," Magnus told her genuinely.

Alec's arm wrapped around her waist and he smiled down at her. "It's great, Darling."

Everest smiled in relief and pecked his cheek. "Shall we then?"

She pulled the two into the fort, snagging a pack of Skittles on the way in, and once they were situated in a pile of limbs and smiles, she started the first movie: Lilo and Stitch.

"The onesies make sense now," Magnus mused.


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