Forty-Seven: The Art of B&E

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People milled around in clusters, drinks in hand as they made conversation with those around them. Everest made eye contact with a few people, some of which smiled at her and some of which gave her dirty looks.

"Well, here we are," Magnus said, holding his hand out.

"You sure bringing us here was a good idea?" Alec muttered.

"It's better than coming by myself." Everest laughed under her breath, taking Magnus's hands. Their rings clinked together softly. Alec looked minorly alarmed. "I'm joking. They'll love you both. Some of them have even smiled at us."

Everest laughed again. Alec frowned.

"Oh, just because you're the only Shadowhunters at a party full of warlocks doesn't mean you can't have fun," Magnus said, guiding the two of them further into the crowd.

"Yeah, well, that's easy for you to say. You've known these people for centuries," Alec said.

Magnus made a face. "You think that's a good thing? Trust me. I don't wanna be here any longer than I have to. But it's tradition for the outgoing High Warlock to pass the baton on to his replacement."

Everest followed her boyfriend's gaze to a tall man with his hair slicked back in a ponytail speaking with a small crowd.

"Is that him?" she asked. "I wonder if he knows slicking back his hair like that causes balding."

Alec snorted.

"The one and only: Lorenzo Rey, the new High Warlock of Brooklyn," Magnus said.

As if summoned by his name, Lorenzo looked up and waved at them.

"Magnus! Magnus Bane!" he called.

Magnus went to walk away, but Everest and Alec teamed up and stopped him. Magnus sighed as they approached the new High Warlock.

"You made it, and you brought friends," the man said, looking Everest and Alec up and down.

Alec held out his hand. "Yes, hi, I'm—"

Lorenzo didn't let him finish. "Alec Lightwood, Head of the New York Institute. And this must be Everest Fairchild." He took her hand and pressed a polite, barely there kiss to her hand. She blinked. Only Magnus and Nettie had ever done that. "I've heard great things about what you've done for the DownWorld. I expect we'll be seeing quite a bit of each other at your DownWorld cabinet meetings. No hard feelings, right, Bane?"

Everest wasn't in the mood to tell him that she wasn't allowed at the cabinet meetings because she was too close to literally every single member except him.

"On the contrary, I'm very content in my new position. Being the High Warlock is a thankless job. Long hours, little pay. But I'm sure it doesn't matter to a young, civic-minded person as yourself," Magnus said, a polite smile on his face.

"Oh, don't be so jaded," Lorenzo teased, an edge to his words. "I may only be 484, but I'm no stranger to service. All those years working for the High Warlock in Madrid have prepared me well." He turned to Alec. "Although, I may not be as easy on you as he was. After all, I'm here to serve the warlocks, not Portal you around, like some glorified shuttle service."

"I wouldn't have it any other way," said Alec politely.

"In that case, I look forward to our first cabinet meeting. Enjoy the party."

With that, Lorenzo turned on his heel and left.

"Who the hell appointed him?" Everest asked, wiping her hand on her black slip dress.

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