Fifty-One: The Owl

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Trigger Warnings: Fighting

Everest, dressed in just an oversized hoodie, sat on her stack of cushions at the table. She smiled gratefully as Alec poured her a cup of coffee and Magnus served the french toast. She served them all a spoonful of fruit in turn.

"Mmm. This is delicious. I haven't been this enamored of French toast since...well, since Julia Child made me petit déjeuner," Magnus said with a wide smile. Everest mustered up what energy she had to smile at his happiness.

"Good. Maybe you should save the spatula I used for your little box," Alec snarked, taking a sip of coffee.

Magnus's smile faded as he wiped his mouth. Everest inhaled sharply.

"Alexander, if my mementos are still an issue for you, perhaps we should talk about it."

Alec shook his head. "No, it's my issue. I just got so swept up that I...that I never stopped to think about the future."

Magnus smiled lightly. "We fell in love. There's nothing else to think about."

"I can't stomach the idea that, one day, I'm gonna be old and feeble and becoming this burden to you."

"Look, there's no universe where you would ever be a burden."

"You say that now," Alec sneered.

It was silent for a long moment before Magnus said, "Okay, maybe the reason you're having such a hard time processing this is because this is your first relationship, and it's a polyamorous one at that."

"Right, because the whole immortality thing is no big deal. This is all just because you're the only people I've ever been with."

Everest stood. Neither of them so much as looked at her. She walked quietly to the kitchen, trying to ignore the way her body shook as she slid down against the island where they couldn't see her anymore. She couldn't handle fighting, not then, not with how little energy she had so early in the morning.

"No, no, no. All I'm saying is every relationship is complicated. Perhaps ours wouldn't seem so daunting if you'd have been with at least one person before us," Magnus said.

"Oh. So, what? I should go sow my oats?"

"You're putting words in my mouth, that's not–"

"And you're twisting this into something that it isn't! I'm not a child, Magnus."

Everest groaned. Magnus had never said that Alec was a child. Alec was just hurt and upset and twisting words to hurt Magnus.

"Then stop acting like one."

Shit. Shit. Shit. No. This wasn't okay.

It was quiet for a long time.

"I've lost my appetite," Alec announced at last before walking away, footsteps heavier than usual.

Everest stayed there for a long time, waiting for Magnus to move, to say something, to find her. He never did. Instead soft sobs echoed through the apartment and Everest couldn't stay in the kitchen any longer. She stood with a wobble and made her way to Magnus. He had his face in his hands, sobs muffled by the action. She wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into her. He buried his face in her chest and continued to cry. She just held him tight as he shook, ignoring her own shaking figure.

He cried for a long time, but even when he stopped, she continued to hold him. She didn't let go until he did. When he did let go, his eyes were bright red and he was taking heaving breaths.

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