Afternoon Dance

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I hope you enjoyed these short little drabbles that give you an idea of what the lives of Alec Lightwood, Magnus Bane, and Everest Fairchild are like when they're not on a mission that determines the fate of the ShadowWorld.

As of now, I have no more drabbles or prompts ready so if there is a scene you want to see happen, feel free to send me the scene/prompt and it  might end up being one of the next drabbles.

Without further ado, part six: Afternoon Dance

People say that it's the little things in life that make the world so special. Things like that lazy Saturday in June, the random bouquet you were gifted seven years ago, the cute letters you find that you wrote to your third grade crush but never sent. It's things like brunch with friends, family game nights, silly dancing with your partner(s) in the golden rays of the afternoon. Those are the things that make the world so special, as people tell their friends and family so often.

The last one was especially true for Everest on September twenty-sixth.

She approached the apartment with a smile, an armful of coffee, and ready to settle on the couch and get to work on editing the next few chapters of her newest book. Faint music seeped from beneath the ornate front door, classical music that Everest often played when she was working as it was one of the few genres of music that she could play while working and not get distracted.

Balancing the coffee in one arm, Everest unlocked the front door. The music grew clearer until she could identify it as The Four Seasons.

'Did I forget to turn my music off before I left?' she wondered.

Everest set the coffees down on the counter alongside her messenger bag and phone. She peered into the living room, the corners of her mouth crinkling in concentration. Then she frantically reached for her phone, trying not to laugh.

In the living room, with all the furniture pushed to the side, were Alec and Magnus dancing to The Four Seasons and nearly tipping over every few steps. They were dressed in casual clothing—Alec was dressed in dark sweatpants and a T-shirt and Magnus wore a pair of sweatpants as well with a matching hoodie with the sleeves cut off—and their hands were tangled together in a way that couldn't be anything but extremely awkward. It looked like a pair of middle-schoolers trying to hold hands at a school fundraising dance. Laughter filled the room, and the complete adoration the two had for each other might as well have been its own being. If Everest didn't love those two so much, it might have been nearly sickening how in love they were. But she loved them very much and it made her beyond happy to see them so in love.

Everest gave up trying to hide her laughter when Alec tried to dip Magnus and instead the man fell to the ground in a heap of laughter and clumsy limbs.

"Everest!" the man on the ground cheered. "You're home!"

"Yeah." Everest accepted the hug and kiss from both of her partners once she helped Magnus up. "What have you two been doing all day?"

"We visited Italy and had a wonderful date and then I think we had a few drinks." Alec paused, blinking rapidly and trying to recall something. "I think. It's a little hazy. How was your day?"

Everest laughed again as she ended the recording. "It was pretty good. I got a lot of work done, made a lot of phone calls, answered a lot of emails, and my current client is really good at writing. Like, I'm jealous of how good she writes. It wasn't near as exciting as going to Italy, though."

"Would you like to dance with us?" Magnus asked after a moment of the three just basking in the sunlit presence of one another. Everest looked up at his smile and laughter filled face and wondered how anyone could ever say no to him when he was so happy and content and in love.

"Of course. I would love to dance."

Everest was twirled and lifted and dipped. She clapped and smiled and laughed nonstop for the rest of the afternoon, only stopping to answer the door when the food arrived and again briefly to eat. She, Alec, and Magnus danced until the golden rays of sunlight slanting through the windows became silvery beams of moonlight gleaming through the windows. They got caught up in the carefree air that filled the apartment, hiding them away from the world outside that couldn't care less about whether or not they were happy. They simply danced until their feet were sore and they felt like they couldn't breathe because they were laughing so hard. They danced until their playlist repeated itself and all thoughts of work faded from Everest's mind. Work could wait. She wanted to enjoy the moment with her partners, the moment that was long overdue.

People say that it's the little things in life that make the world so special. Everest agreed.

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