Thirty-One: Communication

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This chapter is a situation. Have fun.

Trigger Warnings: Mentions of grief, mentions of hate, mentions of hospitalization, mentions of death, extreme pain

Everest stepped out of the Portal with Alec and Magnus, each with an armful of paper bags. Everest and Magnus shared a smile as Alec ranted.

"I mean, how would they feel?"

"Well I'm glad you didn't ask in front of the sushi chef," Everest said as they set their bags down in the living room.

"Well, seriously, why do they call it fatty tuna?" Alec asked, for the third time since leaving the sushi restaurant. "I mean, that's a little degrading."

Everest stifled a laugh. It was adorable when Alec got all fired up about topics like this.

"Because of the fat content?" Everest guessed. She reached up to try and brush the glitter from Alec's hair. It didn't work.

"Hmm, well, I don't think obese tuna sounds any better," Magnus mused. He set an old clay vase he had bought on the side table.

Everest tossed her jacket onto the couch and started setting out the books she had bought on the coffee table. They were so pretty it hurt.

"You know, as much as I love Tokyo and Prague, a bacon burger from the East Village isn't that bad," Alec said.

Magnus blinked for a moment as he took off his coat, but Everest just laughed.

"It's pretty good when you're sixteen years old and drunk out of your mind and need food," Everest added.

"I need that story," Magnus said with a grin. Everest grinned back.

"I got you two something," Alec said, turning around with two small bags in his hand. He handed one to each of them.

"Me?" Magnus and Everest said together.

"Yes, both of you," he said with a small smile. "Open it."

Everest pulled out a red and gold woven charm with a white swirl on top. It was soft and light. She adored it and she didn't even have any idea what it was.

"It's supposed to bring you luck and protection," Alec explained. "Which we all need a bit of."

Everest shrugged sheepishly. "Thank you, Alec, really. I love it," she said, going up on her tiptoes to give him a kiss.

"Thank you, Alexander. You continue to surprise me," Magnus said, stepping closer to Alec. Everest stepped back to let them have a moment and grabbed the bags they had discarded.

Then giggling filled the apartment and Everest let out a strangled, mostly quiet, shout of frustration. Alec and Magnus both sighed.

"I haven't had a roommate this brazen since...well, since Casanova and I spent the night in the Doge's Palace," Magnus said with a thoughtful expression.

"Cassanova?" Alec scoffed and Everest wondered what that was about. "I'll talk to Jace. He can't stay here forever."

"I'll hit him," Everest offered. She was only half joking.

"No, no." Magnus stopped Alec from storming into the guest room. "Nothing a little magic can't fix."

Magnus snapped his fingers and an upbeat, lyricless song started.

"All good?"

Everest smiled mischievously. "Yep. Except Alec has more glitter in his hair than I did when I reunited with Izzy after far too long without seeing her."

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