Twenty-Seven: Too Many Urgent Alerts

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And here is the next chapter at last! I apologize for the delay, finals have been the only thing I've been able to focus on for a while now. But since Wednesday is the last day of term before Winter Break, and my last exam is on Tuesday, I will hopefully be able to devote more time over break for writing (both for Distractions and for other stories).

That being said, this chapter isn't the most happy go lucky, fluffy chapter in this story. In fact, after this chapter, things start to fall through the cracks a bit. After all, we're approaching *that* part of the show. 

Trigger warnings for this chapter include: blood, death, panic attacks, overwhelm, guns, weapons, violence, injuries, and mentions of torture. As always, triggering parts will be marked.

Never in Everest's life had she been more grateful to be practically squished between two people. Alec was on one side of her, hand holding hers tightly, and Magnus was on her other side, arm wrapped around her waist. She had no idea the two of them were so clingy, but so was she so it was fine. Besides, Alec had almost just died and Everest had just gotten back from being kidnapped so it was understandable.

"How'd it go with Aldertree?" Alec asked Magnus.

"Well, the man didn't disappoint. In his own charming, inimitable way, he informed me that I will indeed be punished, but the form of punishment is yet to be decided." Magnus gave the two of them a tense, rueful smile.

"All for trying to save my life." Alec shook his head. "Jace may have been the one to pull me out, but I did feel you there. And it did make a difference. So...thank you."

Alec and Magnus smiled sweetly at each other in a way that made happy chimes go off in Everest's head.

"Thank you for not dying on me," Magnus quipped. "So, uh, how's Jace?"

"He's hanging in there," Everest said. "He should be back soon, assuming Aldertree gets his trial set and started soon. Once he grabs the truth sword—"

Alec cut in, "Soul Sword."

"—yeah that, it'll be revealed that he was never actually on Valentine's side and he'll be able to come home."

Alec glanced around, rolling his bottom lip between his teeth. When he spoke, his words were slightly shaky. "Look, um, I know that with everything that's been going on, I...we haven't had a chance to..."

"Go on that first date we never had?" Magnus prompted.

"Right, yes."

Everest wanted to squeal, they were both so awkward and adorable. She probably wasn't much better, but she liked to think she could be a little bit less awkward if she tried.

"I know a place in SoHo that has some of the best lamb kebab you'll get outside of Marrakesh," Everest suggested, recalling the quaint restaurant with the adorable cat that liked to sit outside by the door.

Magnus's gaze turned thoughtful. "Or we can Portal to Marrakesh. You hungry?"

Everest inhaled loudly. "That sounds brilliant and fun. I'm in."

"Starving." Alec smiled and opened his mouth as if to say something else, but then someone cut in.

"Hey Alec." Everest looked behind Alec to find a man with light brown skin and dark hair slicked back gesturing to the Ops Center. "Demon briefing in the Ops Center. All hands on deck."

Alec sighed. Both his and Everest's gazes landed on Magnus when he spoke.

"My dear Raj. You're looking well." Everest tilted her head in question as the man walked away and Magnus smirked.

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