Seventeen: Accidental Confessions and Disney Marathons

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Trigger Warning Alert! At the bolded lines later in the chapter, Everest shoots Valentine. Skip if you need to, there will be  bold lines when to skip and when it is safe to read again. 


I really want to do something to celebrate the milestones this story has passed, but I can't do that if you don't vote on which celebratory thing you would like to see. The options are as follows:

1. Q&A with Everest

2.  You give me prompts and I'll write a drabble using them

3. Q&A with me

4. You guys write a short story/drabble for Distractions/Shadowhunters and there would be prizes for the first, second, and third place winners

5. You guys draw fanart/make aesthetics or something like that for Distractions/Shadowhunters and the top three get a kind of prize, though all would be posted in Distractions with credit.

Please, please, please vote on the one you like the most/would participate in! I really want to celebrate the milestones, but that requires feedback.

Why did she keep letting Clary convince her to go along with ridiculous and stupid ideas that weren't her own? There was a reason why Roslyn, Brad, Jay, Gino, and most of her friends didn't let her go camping, hiking, or anywhere that she could possibly find a way to make a decision that could blow someone/something up or destroy something/someone in a way that could not be fixed; at least without one or more of them there with her.

"Clary, remind me again why I'm going along with this ridiculous idea when I know I'm going to get grounded the next time I see Brad, Jay, or literally any of my friends if they find out about this?" Everest asked tensely. She flinched at the vine that grazed her cheek as she followed her sister through the back tunnels of Renwick's.

"Because you're chaotic neutral and you like going on adventures." Everest nodded. Those were both very true.

"Just like the Goonies," Everest added in a sing-song voice.

"Yeah, like the Goonies." Her sister handed her a seraph blade. "Keep hold of that. I know you prefer your gun, but even though you have special bullets that can kill demons, it doesn't mean you should use it all the time."

Everest took the blade, though she grumbled as she did so. "What are we even doing?"

"We're looking for—MOM!"

Clary broke into a run as she opened a pair of double doors. Everest blinked as she saw the graffiti on the walls. She peered closer at the mural of two silhouettes of teenagers in front of a background painted to look like shattered glass. She knew that mural—she had helped paint it, she was pretty sure at least. She stared at the bottom right hand corner of the mural and smiled softly. She had helped paint that mural, along with Gino, Roslyn, Marcus, Leo, and Eloise. They had painted it to represent their inability to conform to stereotypes and society's expectations—hence the two boys kissing in the mural and the shattered glass painted rainbow.

"Everest! We found her!" Clary cried, breaking Everest from her memory.

"Who—oh. Oh!" Everest ran towards her mom who was encased in some kind of green cocoon or something. "She's—she's alive, right?" As many issues as Everest and her mom had, she'd never wish the woman dead.

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