Forty-Five: Not Extinct Enough

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Final chapter in season two!

"Anything new?" Izzy asked as Clary and Jace came back from another tracking attempt.

"We tried tracking him together like we did with Jonathan, but for some reason, it didn't work," Clary said.

"Magnus's wards are up. Valentine must still be in the city," Jace said.

"Thank the Angel for Magnus and the Warlocks," Izzy said.

"Well, they didn't do it for us," said Alec, only a little bitter.

Everest hummed in agreement.

"Teams are out doing block-by-block sweeps throughout the city. We'll find him."

Izzy, Alec, and Everest moved to the far end of the table and Everest sighed, her nails grazing her upper arms.

"You okay?" Alec asked, leaning down slightly. Izzy pulled her hands away from her arms gently.

She shrugged. "I just feel funky. Like, I thought I'd be more relieved that Jonathan's dead but I just feel weird. Like, he was my brother, but not really and I just don't know what to feel or think."

Two sets of hands rubbed her back soothingly. She leaned into the touch.

"You don't have to have it all figured out right now. He just died. You don't have to have it all figured out ever, even," Izzy said quietly.

"Izzy's right. There's no timeline for feelings," Alec whispered.

Before Everest could respond, the alarms started blaring.

"Aerial sensors."

They ran towards the aerial view of the city.

"Is it Valentine?" Everest asked. She really hoped not.

"No," Izzy said. "Could be some kind of wraith demon."

"Well shit."


They ran through the streets of New York, following the giant dragon-like demon. All of them had their weapons drawn, even though Alec and Everest were the only ones whose weapons would be helpful with the demon flying.

"Where is it?" Jace asked, not even slightly out of breath.

"It should be right on top of us."


Alec raised his bow as the demon banked between buildings. It disappeared again.

"I've never seen a demon like that."

"It looks like the dragon demons from Edom," Jace mused.

"I thought those were extinct?" Everest asked.

"Almost extinct."

"Almost extinct is not extinct enough," Alec grumbled.

"On your six!"

Alex shot an arrow, but missed.

"Can you see it?"

"What the hell is it waiting for?"

"It's coming around for another pass."

She fired but missed as the demon came right at them. "Alec!" Everest shouted.

"Relax, I got this," Alec said, at ease with his weapon.

He fired, hit the demon dead center, and it splattered on the ground in puddles of ichor.

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