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Before we get this chapter of fluff started, I'd like to let you know that I won't be able to promise a new chapter next week. I was given some new information about my injury and am now in a new brace that makes it even harder to type than my old one. I ask that you are patient with me as I work on both the new chapter, other projects, and also figuring out how to function in daily life with my hand almost completely immobilized.

Part five: Overdressed

The apartment was a mess. Clothes and hangers were thrown on the ground and draped across furniture, makeup and hair styling tools were spread across counters and tables, and phones were charging in whatever outlets were free.

Why was the apartment such a mess? The reason was simple: Izzy had planned a date for Magnus, Everest, and Alec but she hadn't told them where they were going. So, the three were left to figure out what to wear without any guidance. Alec was relatively ready, he just had to find his nice jacket to wear over his dark blue button up and black jeans. Everest and Magnus on the other hand were lost. Completely and utterly lost.

"Why couldn't she just tell us where we're going?" Everest grumbled, rummaging through the closet for the fourth time in an hour. "That would have made this a whole lot easier."

"It's Isabelle," deadpanned Magnus, who was styling his hair. He raised an eyebrow at her through the bathroom mirror. "She likes surprises."

"Not everyone does, though."

Magnus shook his head. "Not everyone, no."

Everest went back to rummaging in the closet, but Alec rested a hand on her wrist. She looked up at him. He held a soft, pale pink sweater that she had thrown onto the bed a little while ago.

"Try this," he told her. "It matches your hair."

Everest accepted the sweater with a hug, and returned to digging around the pile of clothes that had been knocked from their places in her rummaging.

"Jeans or leggings?" she asked no one in particular.

"Jeans," Magnus said, still doing his hair.

"Leggings!" Alec called from somewhere in the apartment.

Everest laughed. "That wasn't helpful!"

She only got laughter in return.

She closed her eyes, spun in a circle three times, and then randomly pointed at one. She opened her eyes. Jeans it was. She began to change out of her oversized grey T-shirt and into her outfit for that night just as Magnus finished with his hair.

"Plum trench coat," Everest prompted, seeing Magnus look at it for a few moments.

He raised an eyebrow. "You mean the jacket that is taller than you?"

"Yeah, that one."

Magnus chuckled. "You know what? Sure, I'll wear the trench coat. Why not?"

Magnus began to pull clothes from the closet that would match his trench coat and Everest made her way to the bathroom.

"Where is the curling iron?" she exclaimed, only a little stressed about not knowing anything about what would happen that evening.

"Kitchen!" Magnus called.


"Because it is?"

"So helpful, Mags!"

"I try my best, Cupcake!"

Everest managed to retrieve the curling iron and plug it in, but by that point Alec and Magnus had also started putting the finishing touches on their looks. Alec was styling his hair, Magnus was doing his makeup, and Everest was starting her makeup while the curling iron heated up.

Everest was fairly certain that A.) there was not a single span of two minutes that she didn't bump elbows or hips with at least one of her boyfriends and B.) they needed two bathrooms, or at least a larger mirror. She was trying to do her eyeshadow but Magnus knocked into her arm, causing the shimmery shadow to streak down her face.

Everest froze, hand still up by her face, with an incredulous expression. "No?"

Magnus realized what had happened midway through his eyeliner. "I'm so sorry, Everest. Here, I got it," he told her when she went to grab makeup remover. He snapped his fingers and the streak of gold disappeared.

"Thank you Magnus. Try not hit my arm again, please."

"Will do."

By the time they were all ready, they only had five minutes before the Uber Izzy had said would pick them up would be there.

"Where do you think she's sending us?" Magnus mused, leaning against a light pole outside the apartment complex.

"Either somewhere where we're not dressed up enough, or somewhere where we're too dressed up," Alec said, hugging Everest to his side. She tucked herself under his arm, hiding from the wind as it tried to mess up her hair (whose color had only just recently been changed to pastel pink).

"The wind needs to not," she muttered, ducked her head more as an even stronger gust of wind blew past.

The other two laughed lightly.

When the Uber arrived, they piled in gratefully, ready to find out where Izzy was sending them. The ride there was full of laughter and guessing where they were going while the Uber driver (who looked suspiciously like Jace) grinned.

"You were right, Alec," Everest said as she stepped out of the Uber. "We are overdressed."

The Uber had dropped the three of them off at a field with a picnic blanket set up and a note that said 'enjoy the stars.' And here the three of them were, dressed in a pink sweater and jeans with a bunch of jewelry, jeans, a button up, and a nice jacket, and a plum trench coat, black leather pants, and a black button up with silver designs trailing across it respectively.

"We are very overdressed," Alec corrected.

Magnus shrugged. "Oh well. We look good so it doesn't matter."

Everest shrugged in agreement. Then she saw the Skittles. "I call the Skittles!" she shouted, dashing for the picnic blanket. Magnus and Alec laughed again and followed after her. 

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