Thirty: Bear Hugs

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I apologize for this chapter  being a little later than usual, I've had some situations in my personal life that have taken precedence over posting. But, here is the new chapter.

Trigger Warnings, Full Chapter: Mentions of death, near death

Trigger Warnings, Sections: Near drowning, guns, bullets, allusion to intimacy

Everest breathed deeply and raised her hand to knock. No. She couldn't do it. Everest turned away from the door but then she stopped. No. She was not going to hide away or procrastinate any longer. This had to happen, whether she was all but crying with anxiety or not.

But procrastinating is fun, the stupid voice in the back of her head whispered.

Everest shook her head and faced the door again. She knocked before she could overthink it anymore than she already had.

"Coming!" a familiar voice shouted.

The dark wood door opened to reveal Brad Karter, dressed in jeans and a faded band tee. The smile on his face fell as he saw Everest, dressed in jeans, a blue shirt, and a black zip up. In turn, Everest's face fell as well. Was he not happy to see her? Was he expecting someone else? Was she wrong in letting him, Jay, and Harper know she was alright?

"You're okay," Brad muttered, eyes glistening. "You're okay. You're actually okay."

Everest breathed a watery sigh of relief and nodded. "Yeah, I'm okay." As okay as she could be at least.

Brad rushed forward and Everest was tackled in a massive papa bear hug. She hugged him back as tightly as she could. Angel, she had missed his hugs. Everest rested her head on his shoulder and he lifted her up into his arms. She glanced up as he started walking. They were going inside.

"Brad? Who was at the door Hon?"

"Look who came home."

Jay looked up from the game of Sorry and gasped. Everest smiled sheepishly and waved. Jay rushed forward and Brad set her down so that his husband could give her a hug. She was being minorly suffocated once more, but she smiled. Jay's hugs were wonderful.

"You're not allowed to do that again," he hissed her ear.

"You're like the millionth person to tell me that," she said with a watery laugh.

"Then you should know to take it seriously."

"Forest?" Everest's heart shattered into a million tiny pieces by way of papercuts when she heard Harper sound so defeated. "Forest is that you?"

Jay reluctantly let Everest go and she crouched in front of Harper with a soft smile.

"Hey Little Architect. I'm home now."

Her voice wavered at the end, but Harper didn't seem to care. She just launched herself at Everest, sending them both to the floor. Everest made sure to not let Harper hit the ground at all and used her body to shield the younger girl. She was especially glad when she noticed the game pieces digging into her back. She didn't want Harper to experience that feeling. It wasn't pleasant. Harper just hugged her tighter. She definitely got her hugging ability from her dads.

Hands pulled the two up, though they didn't separate them, which Everest was glad for, and led them to the couch. Two sets of arms, one belonging to Brad and the other to Jay, wrapped around the two and it was then, surrounded by three people she considered family, did Everest allow herself to cry happy tears for the fact that she was home.

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