What a Birthday

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This prompt is brought to you by the ever angst loving @ink_and_fables_4_u and goes as follows: A random mission with the whole gang (including Magnus), fighting demons, and someone should get hurt. It's not quite a mission per se, but I tried to write it both ways and this version came out better.

We get a special treat of Everest interacting with her social media, something we haven't gotten yet because of all the chaos that has happened so far. Theoretically, she'll remember she has social media and a writing account and should probably post a brief explanation. But then again, it's Everest and there are more important things going on than dealing with social media. So enjoy this fun cameo for now.

Trigger Warning: Fighting, blood, injury, swearing, weapons, brief mention of potential self-inflicted injury. There is swearing in the entire drabble, but it and the other triggers will be noted as usual.

The Angel had to have a sick sense of humor or something, because otherwise this wouldn't be happening. 'This' being a horde of demons attacking the Lightwoods, Jace, Clary, Everest, Magnus, and Simon while they were at a drive-in movie to celebrate Alec's birthday.

Trigger Warning: Fighting, swearing

"Fuck you lot!" Everest shouted, shooting another Ravener demon.

"Are you talking to the demons or us?" Simon, who was fighting a demon next to her, asked.



They continued fighting, slashing and shooting, punching and throwing, casting and stabbing until all the demons had fallen.

Trigger warning over

Everest leaned against Izzy, activating her Parabatai's Iratze and the nineteen year old doing the same for her. Jace and Clary were scanning each other for injuries, Simon was making sure Izzy was alright, and Magnus was watching Everest to make sure she was doing okay.

"Where's Alec?" Jace demanded suddenly.

Everyone glanced around for the dark haired Shadowhunter, but he was nowhere to be seen.

"Alec?" Izzy called. There was no response.



"Alec, where are you?"

"Alec Lightwood, if you don't show your ass right now you'll regret it!"


All they could hear was their harsh breathing and the faint sounds of the highway. The group dispersed, each with panic-filled expressions, trying to find Alec.

"Hey." Everest looked up to see Magnus standing in front of her. "It'll be alright. We'll find him."

She blinked, then nodded. "Yeah. Yeah, we'll find him."

Trigger warning: swearing, weapons, potential self-inflicted injury, major injury, blood

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