She Was Her First, But She Wasn't Her Last

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This prompt ( ...A lesbian oneshot? Idc who the characters are, I just want to see two women loving each other...fluff) was given to me (along with many others) by the wonderful @ink_and_fables_4_u. It should be wonderful and glorious, and no, I will not stop updating Distractions. You all need something to read while I'm gone at camp without internet next week. Enjoy!

When Everest Fray became Everest Fairchild and when she entered a relationship with Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood, it wasn't her first time having a polyamorous relationship, though it was her first time being in a polyamorous relationship with people who also dated each other. Her last polyamorous relationship was with two girls who only knew each other in passing.

 When Everest was sixteen, she was in a relationship with Melody Taylor, a brilliant photographer who was in her history class. They had begun dating at the beginning of the second semester of Sophomore year and now it was almost the end of summer; they had been dating nearly seven months.

On the second Thursday of July, Everest asked Melody to meet her at the park by the library to talk. She was going to tell her girlfriend that she's Polyamorous. The two spent hours talking about it and by the end of the day, Melody told Everest that she accepted her and that she wasn't going to leave her just because she was Polyamorous. Everest fell for Melody even more that day.

Around mid-October of the fall after Everest came out to Melody, she befriended a girl named Seraphina Markus. Seraphina and Everest met at a pumpkin patch, near the apple cider and donuts. Everest had accidentally knocked into Seraphina and when her apology had been waved off, Everest had insisted on making up for the donuts lost to the floor. Seraphina had smiled again and shrugged, handing Everest her phone so she could add her contact.

Everest had taken Seraphina to Java Jones and bought her a donut and drink of her choice. The two had sat in a booth for almost three hours, talking and laughing, and it was when Seraphina was telling her a funny story from when she and her Psychiatric Service Dog, Sadie, were in training that Everest noticed how pretty her smile was. She noticed how when her lips turned upwards her dark brown eyes filled with happiness and then she noticed how when her eyes were full of happiness, her entire body seemed to radiate that happiness. It took a lot of effort for Everest not to ask Seraphina on a proper date then and there, but she managed.

A few days later while Melody and Everest were working on a school project, Everest mentioned Seraphina. Melody saw the smile playing at her girlfriend's lips and asked for more information. Everest gladly obliged and spent nearly thirty minutes rambling about Seraphina. Melody saw the happiness in Everest's eyes, heard the excitement in her words, and she asked a question that threw Everest completely off guard.

"Do you think she's cute?"

Everest blinked at the dark haired girl. "What?"

"Do you think she's cute?" Melody repeated, a smile tugging at her lips.

Everest flushed and looked down at the notebook in front of her. "Yeah," she mumbled. "She's kinda cute."

Melody looked up at Everest from where she was laying on the bed. "It's alright if you're interested in her, you know." At Everest's silence, she elaborated. "If you want to date her, that's alright, пчела,"

Everest's flush deepened at the nickname Melody had given her when she let a honey bee land on her finger during their second date. "Really?" She gave her a glance of hope and hesitance. "Because I don't want to do anything that would make you uncomfortable."

"Пчела, I've told you that I'm alright with you being in a relationship with me and others. I'll repeat it as many times as you need me to, but I am, and always will be, comfortable with it," Melody assured her. Her smile was genuine and her black eyes were shining with love and surety as she looked at the girl with dusty rose colored hair.

Everest's heart swelled and as she smiled, she leaned down for a kiss. Melody turned her head just enough that Everest's kiss met her cheek instead. When the other girl pouted, Melody laughed.

"We have to study," she chided.

Everest scowled lightly for a moment, but when Melody leaned up to give her a peck on the cheek, her scowl dissolved. There was a small smile on her face as she returned to the papers covered in dark green ink and pale yellow highlighter.


It was weeks before Everest worked up the nerve to ask Seraphina out. It took a while for her to fully explain her orientation to the girl, and for Seraphina to explain her own to Everest. But it was worth it in the end because the two of them decided that they would go on a proper date and go from there. The date, in Everest's opinion, was perfect.

Everest picked Seraphina up from the house she was staying at during the exchange program her school was doing, and she couldn't help the brilliant smile that filled her face as she saw Seraphina dressed in black leggings and a light blue button up, Sadie with a matching bandana tied to her harness.

The drive to the field where Everest had a picnic set up was full of smiles and laughter as they sang along to the radio. As they reached their destination, Seraphina gasped and looked around in delight.

"Do you like it?" Everest asked nervously.

Seraphina nodded. "It's—it's amazing!"

Everest's smile grew and she led the honey haired girl to the blanket she had set up. The two spent hours simply talking and laughing, telling stories and jokes, as they ate the picnic dinner that sat beside them. As the sun set fully and it grew dark, there was only the moonlight and the light from the lanterns to illuminate the area.

"That's Cassiopeia," Seraphina said, pointing to the star in question. "And that's Tucana."

Everest nodded absentmindedly. She was only half-listening to the girl beside her, trapped within the thoughts circling her mind. They all centered around the gorgeous honey haired girl laying beside her.

"You're not listening to me, are you?" Seraphina stated, turning to face Everest.

"I am," Everest denied. "I'm just also taking in how pretty you are."

Seraphina flushed. "Thanks," she muttered.

"Anytime," Everest told her, laying down and pointing at a random star. "What's that one?"

"Hydrus," Seraphina said, a smile evident in her words. "It's the smaller counterpart to the Hydra constellation."

Everest cast glances at Seraphina for the rest of the evening, unable to stop the smiles that crossed her face every time she did so. And just as Everest was unable to stop the smiles that crossed her face when she looked at Seraphina, Seraphina was unable to stop the way her heart beat faster than before when she heard Everest's laugh or saw her smile.

As Everest dropped Seraphina off, she wondered if she should ask if she could kiss her or not. She didn't want to be too forward or anything, and she didn't want to trigger Seraphina's anxiety in any way. As she was trying to make up her mind, Seraphina turned to her and made the decision for her.

"Can I kiss you?" she asked bluntly. "I want to kiss you, but I won't if you don't want me to."

"Yeah," Everest said, leaning closer to the girl. "You can kiss me if you want to."

The kiss was sloppy and awkward, but Everest didn't mind much. When they pulled away, Everest had what she was sure was an incredibly dopey smile on her face. Seraphina smiled sweetly at her as she let Sadie out of the car and waved back at Everest.

"I'll see you later!" she called as she walked up the driveway.

"See you later!" Everest called, waving back.

She waited until Seraphina was inside the house before pulling onto the road. The smile didn't leave her face, nor did her happiness fade, as she crept into her apartment and slipped into bed.

That was the start of a relationship Everest loved dearly, the start of Everest's first polyamorous relationship, though not her last. Everest was devastated when her relationship with Seraphina ended when she moved back to Illinois, just as she was devastated when her and Melody's relationship ended once they were no longer compatible. But that moment, in the first week of November, was a happy moment. Everest Fray, Melody Taylor, and Seraphina Markus were all happy and content with their lives and relationships. It was a good moment.

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