Ten: Writing Research Isn't Useless (Take That Clary)

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This one's for @they_adore_sara  because they're getting on a plane, asked me to update, and I have nothing else to do so why not?

"Why do I keep getting kidnapped?"

That was the first thing Everest heard as she floated up from unconsciousness. She was pretty sure it was Simon who had spoken, but she wasn't entirely sure. After all, one of her characters, Wesley Meyers, sounded very similar to Simon and her subconscious was filled with scenes and ideas for her stories just waiting to be brought to life.

"Not to be self-centered, but I think it's me they're after." That was most definitely Clary. Which meant that Everest had been kidnapped again. 'Great,' Everest drawled in her mind. 'Kidnapped again, this time with Ritz and Rat Boy. Even better.'

Everest's eyes felt heavier than wet cement, but she forced them open. Red and green tiling filled her vision and she felt her body be pushed into a booth. She felt the rounded, plasticky cushions on her back and she knew where she was; the Jade Wolf. They had great Chinese food and the stories some of the people there told were fun. She and Roslyn usually went when something bad happened and they were in need of some comfort food. That didn't mean that Everest wanted to be kidnapped and taken there to be held hostage.

Everest nearly groaned as Clary decided to talk back to whoever had kidnapped him. Had she never seen any movie ever?

"Okay, what's going on? Alaric, did you arrest us for trespassing or something, because news flash, I was in my own apartment."

"We're just having a little conversation, that's all," a man said in a low, gruff voice. Everest knew that voice. It belonged to Theo, someone who was kind of an ass and wasn't the best at telling stories.

"Do you always handcuff people you want to talk to? I bet this guy has one of the scariest online profiles ever," Simon joked nervously.

"This guy's funny," Theo chuckled slightly. "I like funny."

Everest opened her eyes all the way and lifted her head. She met Theo's eyes and shook her head.

"He's not that funny, Theo," she told him.

"You know this guy?" Clary demanded. If they hadn't been kidnapped, Everest probably would have commented on the parallel between then and when Simon stalked Clary.

"Eh," Everest shrugged. "His stories suck but he's got pretty good food recommendations."

Theo glared at her, but the other man, the one Clary called Alaric, smirked slightly before he spoke.

"Look, I know you're scared of Luke—"

"I'm what now?" Everest blinked.

"—he's trying to find you, but I can keep you safe. You just need to tell us where the Mortal Cup is."

"Can we back up a little bit?" Everest asked as she picked at the zip ties around her wrists. "Why am I supposed to be scared of Luke? Is it because he's a male who has a gun license?"

Theo rolled his eyes at her. "Kid, shut up. You're amusing and you're good at making people laugh, but that won't stop me from breaking your arm." Everest stared at him.

"But really. Why am I supposed to be scared of Luke?" The question had burned itself into her mind and she wouldn't let it go until she had an answer.

Theo motioned to something behind her and two hands were suddenly gripping her upper arms. She flinched, not expecting the contact, and she was dragged to her feet. Her eyes were wide as the unknown person dragged her to the back of the restaurant.

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