Twenty: Hypocrites and Almost Being Run Over

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The three walked into the Institute hand in hand, each with happy—if somewhat mischievous—looks on their faces. Everest was fighting the urge to jump around and squeal like a fool in her elation, but she wasn't sure it was working because Alec and Magnus looked amused and several of the Shadowhunters in the Ops Center were looking at her like she was a zoo exhibit. But as much she hated being looked at like she was a zoo animal, her elation mostly overshadowed the uncomfortable feeling of being watched.

"You're very bouncy," Magnus mused quietly as they made their way to Clary and Jace.

"I'm happy," Everest replied. "I bounce when I'm happy."

"Good to know."


The purple haired girl was pulled away from Alec and Magnus and into a tight embrace by her sister. Everest chuckled and patted Clary's back, silently asking to be let go of when she began to lose the ability to breath. Jace pulled her into a short hug when she was released and Jace flipped Izzy off and Everest stuck her tongue out at her when she took a picture as she passed. Izzy only laughed.

Alec cleared his throat, "Right, Magnus said he found something."

They were in a room just off the Ops Center that opened into a private training room. Magnus snapped his fingers and as blue fire swept over a table, items of all shapes, sizes, and categories appeared on the table. Clary caught Everest's arm when she tried to touch a very aesthetic-looking dagger.

"No touching, Ev," she said quietly. Everest stuck her tongue out.

"I pulled every item of magical importance from Ragnor's belongings. But I can't determine which will lead to the Book of the White," Magnus explained.

The others began to examine the items and Everest shot Clary a small glare. "Hypocrite," she muttered, watching Clary pick up a bookmark.

"Wait, this bookmark." Clary held the bookmark for everyone to see. "I've seen it before. In the alternate dimension you showed me a book of spells and this was in it, right Everest? It must have been the Book of the White."

"Yeah, I wouldn't know." Everest shrugged. "I wasn't exactly part of that conversation. I was more focused on playing a woodturning game instead of whatever you were saying. Oh, and petting the cat."

"The cat you tried to take?" Clary raised an eyebrow.

"Church was a very nice cat!" Everest protested.

Magnus blinked and shook his head. He muttered, "Church isn't a nice cat, where'd you get that idea from?" before getting them back on track.

"If that's the case, we can use the bookmark to track the owner of the book," Alec said.

Jace shrugged. "Okay." He went to take the bookmark but Magnus stopped him.

"Warlock tracking is stronger."

Magnus closed his eyes and a faint blue glow encased the bookmark. When Magnus opened his eyes he looked like he regretted ever getting involved. "Well there's good news and bad news. The good news is I know the owner. The bad? It's Camille."


"Looks like Raphael has her locked up in the basement of the Hotel DuMort."

Everest clapped slowly. "Phae one, Ms. Kidnapper zero." Clary laughed and the others smiled.

"Well, after I punched her, there's no way she'll help me," Clary sighed.

"You punched Camille Belcourt?!" Everest clapped loudly. "Damn Ritz, you're not a wimp anymore." Clary playfully shoved her into Alec who wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

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