Midnight Calm

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Sorry for not posting last week, it was a crazy week. Between Winter Break finishing, school starting, and getting sick, I didn't have much time to write. Hopefully the  next chapter will be able to be posted next week. Thanks for understanding!

Part three: Midnight Calm

Blankets and throw pillows littered the floor, and empty mugs dotted the coffee table. There was a sweatshirt lost somewhere in the chaos, a few books too. But it was fine, the chaos would be calmed once the three that were curled up on the couch found the motivation to clean it all up. But for now they were content to sit on the couch, curled up under blankets and wrapped around each other as some random show from the eighties played.

It was the middle of the night, nearly one-twenty in the morning. They were all dozing off, or mostly asleep in Alec's case.

"That's stupid! Let's do it!" The short cartoon character with a voice that was both high-pitched and gravely shouted, throwing his fist into the air.

"This show is weird," Magnus muttered. Everest glanced up from the piece of paper she had been mindlessly scribbling on. On the tv, the group of children (who really couldn't be more than eight years old) scrambled around a disgusting living room trying to find some clue or another.


Everest went back to scribbling with Alec's feet in her lap, his head in Magnus's lap. The cartoon was quickly fading to background noise, which Everest wasn't too mad at.

Everest had filled two more pages front and back with mindlessly scribbled doodles (many of which turned out more like chicken scratch than anything) when Magnus spoke.

"It's almost three." Everest looked up, blinking. "We should head to bed."

"Probably." Her words were slightly slurred from exhaustion, though it was mostly hidden by Alec's light snore. "I'm comfy though."

Magnus hummed. "Me too."

Neither of them moved. They just stayed there, looking at each other while Alec slept between them.

"I'm not moving," Everest said with a sort of tired finality.

Magnus chuckled lightly. "Me either."

And so neither of them moved. They just stayed like that, their partner asleep on top of them, curled up on the couch with blankets and pillows thrown everywhere, and maybe a few books and a sweatshirt lost in the chaos too. But the chaos was alright just then because they were together and happy. And after all the chaos that had surrounded them for the past few weeks, that was enough. Even if it would take at least an hour to clean the living room when they woke up.

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